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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Teachhing and methodological materials



kaplmath_2401.pdf (kaplmath_2401.pdf 845 kb)

103 Shvachich GG Fundamentals of Discrete Mathematics. Part III. Fundamentals of graph theory in 2014 (shvachich_g.g._osnovy_diskretnoy_matematiki._chast_iii._osnovy_teorii_grafov_2014.pdf 1047 kb)

Shvachych GG, Bartenev GM, Onishchenko AV, VV Tolstoy Fundamentals dyskretnoy mathematics. Part III. Fundamentals of graph theory in 2014

104 Shvachich GG Higher Mathematics. Lecture notes. Part V. The curves of the second order (shvachich_g.g._vysshaya_matematika._konspekt_lektsiy._chast_v._krivye_vtorogo_poryadka.pdf 320 kb)

Shvachich GG and GM Bartenev, Duk AN, Tkachenko EG, Tolstoy VV, Tseluyko NV Higher Mathematics. Lecture notes. Part V. The curves of the second order

107 Gulyaeva E.A. Data Protection (lecture notes) (gulyaeva_e.a._data_protection_-_lecture_notes.pdf 726 kb)

113 Wentzel E.S. Probability Theory (ventcel1969ru.pdf 20268 kb)

115 Kendall M., Stewart A. Theory of Distributions. - T. 1 (kendallstjuart_t1_1966ru.pdf 19391 kb)