Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


Velychko Olexandr 

The Corresponding member of academy of sciences of Ukraine, doctor of engineering science, professor,winner of the State Premium of Ukraine in the field of a science and engineering. member of the Academy of Sciences of a Higher School of Ukraine, academician of Academy Engineer Science of Ukraine, honoured worker of national education of Ukraine (1999), awarded by the Order "For merits" of III , II, І rate. Graduated from Dnipropetrovsk metallurgical institute (1974, metallurgiсal engineer). The rector of National Metallurgical academy of Ukraine (2001 - 2021). Main directions of scientific and scientific- pedagogical work: fundamental research in bases of steel production in converters, development of the practical recommendations on its improvement; introduction of relevant methods of management in educational process using information technologies. Has published 480 scientific works, including 50 inventions, 18 manuals and monographies, including "Внепечная обработка стали", "Бескоксовая металлургия железа", "Сталеплавильное производство",  "Высоконадежное металлургическое оборудование в ресурсосберегающих технологиях" including. Under his management 5 candidate dissertations are protected. Member of the New Substances and Materials Section of the Boris Paton National Prize. Editor-in-Chief of the Regional Interuniversity Collection of Scientific Papers "System Technologies". Editor-in-Chief of the national scientific and technical journal "Theory and Practice of Metallurgy". Conducts scientific work with domestic and foreign scientific institutions in China, Germany and Ukraine.

Publications on

Tel.: +38 (056) 745 31 56

The reception of visitors: Tuesday 14:00 – 15:00 (office 320)

Deputy Director

Ivaschenko Valeriy 

Doctor of engineering science, professor, winner of the State Premium of Ukraine in the field of a science and engineering, academician of Academy Engineer Science of Ukraine, member of the Academy of Sciences of a Higher School of Ukraine, honoured worker of national education of Ukraine. Graduated from Dnepropetrovsk metallurgical institute (1972, metallurgiсal engineer). The first pro-rector NMeTAU (2001 - 2021). Improving the structure and organization of the educational process in higher education. Main directions of scientific and scientific-pedagogical work: development of direct processes of non-coke reception of rare metal from palletized iron-ore material using subambient plasma. Has published 400 scientific works, including 35 inventions, manual "Бескоксовая металлургия железа", 24 monographies, including "Плазменные процессы прямого получения металла в шахтных печах", "Доменный процесс", "Прямое получение металла с применением низкотемпературной плазмы". He supervised the preparation of candidate and doctoral theses.

Publications on

Tel.: +38 (056) 745 53 51
The reception of visitors: Wednesday 13:00 – 14:00 (office 320)