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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Love your Ukraine




Love your Ukraine



To the 210th anniversary of the birth
Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko





Today, March 9, 2024, we celebrate the 210-th anniversary of the birth of Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko, Ukrainian writer, classic of Ukrainian literature, artist, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1860), national hero and symbol of the Ukrainian people.


Love your Ukraine.
Love her... in the fierce time,
In the last, difficult minute
Pray to the Lord for her. ...


International Women's Day!


Happy international women’s day!!!

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 Lovely women!

We congratulate you on International Women's Day! 

<p class="MsoNormal" style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; text-align: center; line-heigh ...


New Year 2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!


Happy holidays to everyone. We wish that this fabulous time will give love and hope to the heart, that joyful events await ahead. We wish to start this year with new strength and definitely achieve new successes. We wish you Christmas inspiration and only warm feelings of the soul.

Blessed Christmas, goodbye,
You have brought us much fun,
New Year is coming,
It starts merry run.

We’ll dance, laugh and sing songs
About life and dreams.
That dreams that each longs...
(You know what it means).

Be rich with the best friends,
With money, love, delight.
I know, joy never ends,
When life becomes bright.

Year of the Green Wood Dragon

May the Year of the Dragon bring you strength, wisdom and indomitable determination. Let your endeavors shine with bright energy, like the fire of a dragon, and overcome any obstacles. Let this year be filled with new opportunities, joy and achievements. Happiness, health and success to you in the year of the Dragon!

The Chinese calendar indicates that the year 2024 will be under the auspices of the Green Wood Dragon. He is the fifth in a cycle of 12 animals that appear in the Chinese zodiac.

Dragons are the most ...


Happy Easter


H a p p y   E a s t e r




This Sunday is a special day.
Christ is risen! Indeed he is risen!
All the problems will go away.
And life will become amazing.




Give an egg to your friend
And hit each other’s forehead.
Then eat it, and enjoy, and celebrate.
You’ll be happy at this moment.




Then go and cut an Easter cake
For every Miss and Mister,
And I will give for you. Come, take!
I wish you Happy Easter. 


Christ has come to our Earth 


Christ has come to our Earth
To give all of us the birth.<br ...


Congratulations on the holiday of spring



8 March - International Women's Day 


  Dear women!

We heartily congratulate you on March 8!

Women's holiday is one of the few that joyfully touches every family, every work collective, every person. After all, everything high and beautiful with us comes from a woman. From you, dear women, love and comfort, hope and happiness. And a big concern! After all, it is on women's shoulders that so many difficulties, duties and responsibilities fall.

Lovely women! We wish you all good health, beauty and attractiveness.

We wish that all dreams come true, love inspires, eyes shine with happiness, and peace and harmony always reigned in the soul.

Be happy!


Womens Day

There is the ...


Information from the library


Dear colleagues!


The Department of Branch Funds of the Scientific Library of UDUNT (IPBT) brings to your attention recommended bibliographic index "Academic Oleksandr Chekmaryov - a man of kindred work", compiled for the 120th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist-metallurgist Oleksandr Petrovych Chekmaryov, which the metallurgical community celebrated in September 2022.

The author-compiler of the index is Mykola Andriyovych Myronenko, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of management of IPBT, a metallurgical engineer by education, a graduate of the department of OMT. It took the author more than a year of painstaking work to collect the material and compile the index.

The library staff express great gratitude to the author for his important work.



Mykola Andriyovych Myronenko


We invite students, post-graduate students, teachers and all interested parties to familiarize themselves with the bibliographic index. By link



Academician Oleksandr Chekmarov - a man of kind work:



 recommended bibliographic indicator:

Until the 120th anniversary of the Academician's National Day

Oleksandr Petrovich Chekmarov


Academician Oleksandr Chekmaryov - a man of kind work: recommendation. biobibliographer. index: To the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician Oleksandr Petrovych Chekmaryov / Dnipropetr. management of culture, national. and religions of the regional state administration, Dnipropetrovsk. region station wagon of science b-ka named after Cyril and Methodius, the first teachers of the Slavic languages; [author-edited M. A. Myronenko, editor. I. S. Golub]. - Dnipro: DOUNB, 2022. - 86 p. (Series "Scientists of Dnipropetrovsk region"; issue 7).


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Information from the library


"Metallurgical Ukrainian"


The "Metallurgical Ukrainian" project was launched in 2021. The main goal of the project is to collect, store and increase the availability of rare and valuable publications (19th - first half of the 20th century) dedicated to the formation and development of the metallurgical industry. Electronic copies of the presented publications were made by the staff of the Scientific Library of IPBT UDUNT in 2022. The books are stored in the fund of rare and valuable publications of the Scientific Library of IPBT UDUNT.


1 2 3


 1. Гуржеевъ, С. Элементарный курсъ сопротивленія материаловъ и графостатики и ихъ приложенія къ машиностроению : для техническихъ училищъ и для самообразованiя. Изданiе 4-е. Петроградъ : Изданiе Л. Ф. Пантелѣева, 1915. 90,6 МБ.(Сканувала Радул М. А.) Повний текст

      Gurzheev, S. Elementary course of strength of materials and graphostatics and their applications to mechanical engineering: for technical schools and for self-education. Edition 4th. Petrograd: Edition of L. F. Panteleev, 1915. 90.6 MB.(Scanned by Radul M.A.) Повний текст

 The elementary course of the resistance of materials by S. Gurzheev consists of two parts. In the first, the main laws of resistance of materials, important formulas for determining the solid dimensions of parts of machines and buildings are considered. The second part contains the necessary data of graphostatics (they are used in the chapters "bending and breaking"). For more complete assimilation, solutions to problems and examples given in the textbook are considered.


 2.  Изгарышев, Н. А. Гальванопластика и гальваностегия. Москва ; Ленинград : Госиздат, 1926. 50,7 МБ.<span style="font-size: medi ...


Happy New Year 2023!



Christmas  and  New  Year!

 Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year!



Happy New Year

If it didn’t bring you joy just leave it behind

Let’s ring in the New Year with good things in mind

Let every bad memory that brought heartache and pain.



Snow on the ground.
Snow on the tree.
Snow on the house.

Snow on me!


It’s winter, it’s winter,
Let us skate and ski!
It’s winter, it’s winter,
It’s great fun for me!


Snowflakes are nice,
Snowflakes are white.
They fall by day,
They fall at night.


New Year To You

Happy New Year to you!

May every great new day

Bring you sweet surprises —

A happiness buffet.

<p style="text-align: cen ...


Information from the library


Dear metallurgists!


Today, September 12, on the 120th anniversary of the birth of O.P. Chekmaryov, the library brings to your attention the book exhibition "Academic Oleksandr Petrovich Chekmaryov".

 The name of the outstanding academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of State Prizes, honored worker of science and technology of the Ukrainian SSR Oleksandr Petrovych Chekmaryov is known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. A talented scientist and engineer, one of the patriarchs of the theory and practice of rolling production. His fundamental works, as well as the works of the scientific school of Ukrainian rolling mills created by him, are well known in all countries with modern metallurgical production.

120th anniversary of O.P. Chekmaryova undoubtedly gives impetus to thoughts and discussions about the fate of science, its role in modern metallurgical and pipe production.


Academician Oleksandr Petrovych Chekmaryov.

To the 120th anniversary of the birth.



The book exhibition is located at the subscription of scientific literature, room 259.

We invite all interested parties.


The library informs


To the 208th anniversary of the birth of Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko


Love your Ukraine.

To love її ... in time of fierceness,

In the rest, a hard minute

Pray the Lord for her.


Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko



Ukrainian poet, prose writer, thinker, painter, graphic artist, ethnographer, public figure.

Shevchenko's literary heritage, in which poetry plays a central role, in particular the collection "Kobzar", is considered the basis of modern Ukrainian literature and, in many respects, the literary Ukrainian language. Figure of the Ukrainian national movement, member of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood.Most of Shevchenko's prose (tales, diary, many letters), as well as some poems, are written in Russian, in connection with which some researchers attribute Shevchenko's work, in addition to Ukrainian, to Russian literature as well.


Childhood and youth


Taras Shevchenko was born on February 25 (March 9), 1814 in the village of Morintsy, Zvenigorod district, Kiev province (now Zvenigorod district, Cherkasy region, Ukraine). He was the third child of serfs Grigory Ivanov Shevchenko and Ekaterina Akimova Boyko - after his sister Ekaterina and brother Nikita. Their owner, V. V. Engelhardt, as the nephew of Prince G. A. Potemkin, inherited a significant part of his Little Russian possessions. 

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The library informs


“The great novelist Charles Dickens”


The book exhibition is dedicated to the 210 th anniversary of the birth

of the outstanding English writer Charles Dickens.



Charles Dickens



"Sift the world's prose, Dickens will remain ..."

L.N. Tolstoy


Not only LN Tolstoy, but also many of Dickens' contemporaries and those who came after him considered him a great writer.

What did you admire about Dickens? The gigantic power of creativity, expressed in the creation of a large-scale figurative world. The world is unusual and bizarre, but allows the reader to imagine the then society in all its aspects.

Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in Landport, on the outskirts of Portsmouth, in the family of an official in the financial department of the maritime department. Charles's father, John Dickens, was often transferred from city to city: Portsmouth - London - Chetham - London.



The house in Portsmouth where Dickens was born. Currently, the house-museum.


In Chetham, Dickens began to study at school, became interested in theater, and read a lot. But in London, everything has changed: difficult times have come for the family. Charles got a job at a wax factory. This period of life, associated with difficult and contradictory experiences, was reflected in his novels Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, Little Dorrit.

Later, Dickens worked as a clerk in a law firm, a court reporter. He mastered shorthand, studied French, knew Italian, worked successfully as a parliamentary and newspaper reporter, traveled a lot around the country, surveying the domestic, social and political life of England.



Charles Dickens. Painter F. Alexander, 1842.


Dickens was prompted to choose the profession of a writer not only by the need to work, providing ...


The library informs



The biggest and most expensive good every nation has its own speech.

Panas Mirny


Dear friends!  February 21 humanity celebrates International Mother Language Day.


“Language is the form of our life,

cultural and national life,

it is the form of our organization.

Language is the soul of every nationality,

her holiness, her most valuable treasure…”.


In the process of teaching and educating the younger generation, the formation of personality, speech plays an important role. Especially important now is the study of the Ukrainian language as the state language, which contributes to the unification of Ukrainians not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, the development of the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people.


To the attention of our readers we present a book exhibition

"Language is our roots."


 The exhibition presents 14 editions: the Constitution of Ukraine, a monograph, textbooks, workshops, reference books:

 1. Tkachenko, Orest. Ukrainian language and modern life of the world / O. Tkachenko. - K.: Spalah, 2004. - 272 p.

The work is devoted to the development and current state of the Ukrainian language in all the difficulties of its formation, which receive comprehensive coverage (geographical, historical, sociological, cultural, etc.) in comparison with the corresponding situations in other languages of the world. Written in a popular form, the book is assigned to all fans of the Ukrainian language.

 2. Ющук І.П. Українська мова: підручник/ І.П. Ющук. - К.: Либідь, 2004. - 640 с.

The textbook contains information about the origin, development and structure of the modern Ukrainian language as an integral functional system. The oral (sound) and written (spelling) forms of it are considered. Some linguistic phenomena are reflected in a new way. For students of ZVO. It may be useful for those who independently improve their knowledge of the Ukrainian language.


3. Bevzenko, Stepan Pilipovich. Modern Ukrainian language: Syntax: heading help / S.P. Bevzenko, L.P. Litvin, G.V. Semerenko. - K .: Vishcha school, 2005. - 270 p.

A holistic systematic presentation of the syntax of the modern Ukrainian literary language is presented. An attempt has been made to review the main areas of study of Ukrainian syntax. Each section contai ...


The library informs




On Valentine's Day, in the first light of day

Call me your Valentine.

W. Shakespeare. "Hamlet". (From a song by Ophelia)



History of Valentine's Day


Among the ancient Slavs, February bore the apt name "lute". Gloomy, blizzard, sometimes with real severe frosts, sometimes with nasty sleet, this month evokes far from the most pleasant associations. But in England, America and other countries, the word "February" evokes cheerful and pleasant thoughts. And this is not at all due to the difference in climate, but to the fact that February 14 is celebrated as Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day.

This holiday has no deep religious basis. Its history is unusually romantic, and this day got its name from the name of the Christian martyr - Valentine, who was sentenced to death by the Roman pagans. In the 3rd century A.D. Roman emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed marriage kept men at home, and their destiny is to be good soldiers and bravely fight for Rome. The young Christian priest Valentine did not heed the decree and secretly married young lovers. Having learned about "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed.

In prison, Valentine, deprived of sacred books, whiled away his leisure time writing notes to the jailer's daughter. Obviously, both the messages and the daughter were good. Young people fell in love with each other. Despite the cruel circumstances and imminent death, Valentine did not stop thinking about his beloved. Before his execution on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with a brief phrase "from Valentine", which later began to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his own happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the church of St. Praxidis in Rome, its gates became known as the "gates of Valentine". Later, the Church canonized him as a saint, and the lovers chose him as their patron.

Since Rome was still largely pagan in those days, for many, Valentine's Day merged with the ancient feast of the Lupercalia. It was held on February 15 in honor of the Faun - the god of fields, forests, pastures; and animals - in a grotto on the slope of the Roman hill Palatine. All the rituals were performed by Luperk priests, who sacrificed a goat and a dog to the Faun. After that, they ran around the Palatine, lashing the oncoming women with whi ...


The library informs


It was recently, it was a long time ago


2021 is the year of changes in the educational and scientific activities of NMetAU. We have become an institution within the university. Time will show the positive or negative aspects of these transformations.

But we have a history, our history, the history of the development and prosperity of the metallurgical academy. And we are proud of her. It is featured in publications:


1. State Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine [Text]: The history of the formation of the university and the development of its scientific and pedagogical schools /Ed. acad. NAS of Ukraine Yu.M. Tarana-Zhovnira. - Dnipropetrovsk: Thresholds, 1999. - 312 p.

2. State Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine [Text]: prospectus /under the general. ed. Yu.M. Tarana-Zhovnira. - Dnipropetrovsk: "Press of Ukraine", 1999. - 62 p.

3. National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine in names [Text]: encyclopedic reference book /editor: rector of NMetAU, prof. O.G. Wieliczko and others. - Dnipropetrovsk: ART-PRESS, 2008. - 320 p.




4. National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine [Text]: presentation edition /ed. col .: Rector of NMetAU, prof. O.G. Wieliczko and others. - К.: Logos Ukraine, 2015. - 320 p.

5. Dnipropetrovsk region - region of ideas: Scientific potential of Dnipropetrovsk region [Text]: information collection of scientific and innovative ideas of development of Dnipropetrovsk region. Vip. 2 '2010 / compiled by: G.B. Megega, A.L. Demura, OI Demchyk and others, resp. for the issue of Ph.D., prof. S.F. Vlasov. - Dnepropetrovsk, 2010. - 62 p.

6. S.N. Fakhrutdinova. The history of the development of the NMetAu library: (1930-2012) [Text]/ S.N. Fakhrutdinova; MONU, NMETAU. - Dnіpro: NMetAU, 2021. - 54 p.- Russian.




The idea to write about the library of NMetAU arose long ago. And finally, "History of the Development of the Library of NMetAU: (1930-2012)" was published.


Not all events could be covered, not all employees could be described in detail. But the most important moments in the work of the library are reflected in the pages of this publication.

I can say with full confidence that in the success of every scientist, teacher and student there is also a part of the work of the library staff.

Those who are interested in the history of the development of the library are invited to visit the reading room of scientific literature (new building of the library, 2nd floor).

The publication will be of interest to students of the Institute.

Deputy Director <stron ...


The library informs


"Grigor Tyutyunnik - the courage of kindness"


On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birthof the Ukrainian writer Grigor Tyutyunnik



Grigor Tyutyunnik


(05.12.1931 – 06.03.1980)


He was so kind that he was ashamed of his kindness

and tried to at least look stern outwardly.

V. Melnik


In the 60s of the twentieth century, along with famous writers such as O. Gonchar,I. Senchenko, new names sounded: E. Gutsalo, V. Drozd, whose works were either praised or subjected to sharp criticism. But when the first stories of Grigor Tyutyunnik appeared in periodicals, it became clear that a person who was able to speak his word came to literature.


1. Tyutyunnik G.M. A Fire Far in the Steppe: stories and novellas/ author. translation from ukr. N. Dangulova. - M .: "Young Guard", 1982. - 350 p.

The book includes stories written by G. Tyutyunnik in recent years, and his best works. Most of them are dedicated to village workers. The stories "Klimko", "A Fire Far in the Steppe" tell about the difficult military and post-war childhood of Ukrainian children and adolescents.


2. Tyutyunnik G. Cold mint: a story; Stories / author. translation from ukr. N. Dangulova. - M .: "Izvestia", 1981. - 383 p.

The collection "Cold Mint", in addition to stories, includes the story "Environment" - an autobiographical work by Grigor Tyutyunnik. Entire fragments of the story echo the documentary memoirs about the author of "Roots", also included in this book.


Grigor Tyutyunnik

«A Fire Far in the Steppe» 





Grigor Tyutyunnik

«Cold mint»


The writer's works are imbued with love and kindness to people. From the first phrases, the reader is introduce ...


The library informs


We will cherish and cherish our Ukrainian language.


Language is a great heritage of humanity. It is not only the most powerful means of communication, a tool of thinking, but also the history of a people, a necessary condition for its existence. Language is directed both to the inner world of man, his psyche, and to the outer world of nature and human relationships. It is the basis for personal growth. Everyone who strives to achieve success, create himself, must certainly have a culture of speech, that is, learn to observe the established norms of oral and written forms of the literary language, use all its expressive means, depending on the style, genre, type.


Mova for the skin people is unique і - its own;

in niy make up thunder in indignation, in silence - trill nightingales.

On its own natural move and the flow of the hubbub;

green-maples have a maple-like noise.

Solov'ina, barvinkov, spikelet - on viki -

ukrainian rіdnu mov as a gift to me were given batki.

Take care of it, I will peck everywhere and everywhere,

well dina - so, yak mother, mova in the skin from us!

Oksana Zabuzhko


We bring to your attention books on the culture of the Ukrainian language,

which are presented at the exhibition "We will cherish, cherish our Ukrainian language" (new building of the library, 2nd floor, RRSL).


 "We will cherish and cherish our Ukrainian language"



1. Tkachenko O.B. Ukrainian language and linguistic life of the world. - K .: Flash, 2004. –272 s.

The work is devoted to the development and current state of the Ukrainian language in all the difficulties of its formation, which receive comprehensive coverage (geographical, historical, sociolinguistic, cultural, etc.) in comparison with the corresponding situations of other languages ​​of the world. The book, written in a popular form, is intended for all fans of the Ukrainian language, first of all for representatives of social sciences.

2. Matko L.I., Kravets L.V. The culture of the Ukrainian professional language: a textbook. - К .: EC "Academy", 2007. - 360 p.

The textbook was created in accordance with modern concepts of teaching the Ukrainian language in a professional direction and is focused on the formation of students' linguistic and communicative competencies. It considers general information on the course of the culture of the modern Ukrainian language, stylistic differentiation of the modern Ukrainian language, the specifics of the professional, scientific and business language, text norms of scientific and official business styles, the rules for the formation of scientific ...
