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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


     The library of NMetAU, as an obligatory structural unit of a higher educational institution, has been functioning since 1930. It was founded on the basis of the library of the metallurgical faculty of the mining institute after its transformation into a metallurgical institute. The first years of its existence, the library consisted of two parts - a daytime and evening library. Since 1932, the library employees were subordinate to the administrative deputy for the educational part, and employment was carried out in the direction of the labor exchange.       

   The library staff initially employed 15-17 people; since 1934, V.N. Zlatina (V.N. Ipatenkova). M.I. worked under her leadership. Gureeva, L.B. Umanskaya, E.V. Globinova (Kuul), M.A. Lipnitskaya, N.G. Bulavintseva, D.L. Sukhaya and others. With the development of the institute, an increase in the number of disciplines and textbooks for their provision, the composition of the library as the main supplier of methodological support expanded: the positions of bibliographer, classifier, cataloguer, librarian of II and I categories, and bookbinder appeared. The reading room of scientific workers began to work. In 1936, a diploma design office was opened, which was completed by V.N. Zlatina.

The organization of the work of the university libraries was carried out in accordance with the 1936 “Standard Regulations on the Library of a Higher Educational Institution”.

Since October 1940, the library council, organized by the library, has monthly considered issues of acquisition, library and bibliographic work. The council included: professors A.N. Pokhvisnev (chairman), A.P. Chekmarev and S.I. Telny, associate professors N.P. Kublanov, E.A. Danichek, K.F. Starodubov, I.V. Radchenko. As of 1941, there were about 300 thousand copies in the library's book fund. Almost all of them were destroyed as a result of the Nazi occupation. 

The restoration of the fund began after the liberation of Dnepropetrovsk, assistance was provided by libraries throughout the country, and already in 1943 the library of the metallurgical institute began to serve readers again. 

In the period from 1943 to 1946, the library was headed by Shevchenko E.P., from 1946 to 1952 - Umanskaya L.B.  Since 1952, E.G. Gantserovska became the head of the library, a participant in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War, who was awarded two Orders of the Patriotic War, I and II degrees and other awards of the Motherland. Gantserovskaya Elena Grigorevna headed the library until 1988.  

The next stage in the development of the library began in 1952. Thanks to state allocations, the supply of educational literature has increased. As a result, the book fund increased to 137325 copies, the responsibility for its safety fell on the shoulders of the library staff.

        In the 60s, reference and bibliographic work was actively developed, information activities expanded. In particular, thematic reviews of literature, reader conferences held in the reading room of scientific literature and periodicals (CHZNL) were popular. 


 Science and technology conference at the SLRR



 Conducting the Day of the Department of Electrometallurgy  


Thematic re-glances of the literature in the SLRR


Chitatska conference in the SLRR            


      Since 1960, the bibliography department has introduced a bibliography course for 2nd and 3rd year students. In 1968, a new reading room of scientific literature and periodicals appeared, it was actively completed, including foreign periodicals (71 titles. Magazines from 9 countries). Over time, for the convenient placement of publications, it became necessary to expand the area of ​​the library, in connection with which in 1993 a new room of 340 m2 was provided to the educational literature subscription (AUL), and the vacated space was used for the full work of the scientific literature and periodicals subscription.  


Studentska Reading Room  


 Busy with students in the course of bibliography to conduct  Fakhrutdinova S.M.


  In 1980, the library had 49 employees. Accordingly, the division received the II category, and the position of the head of the library was replaced by the position of the director of the library. For 33 years (from 1953 to 1985), the number of library visitors increased significantly from 3625 people in 1953 to 10497 people in 1985.  


   The library staff with the director E.G. Gantserovskaya (center). 1980 year


       There were also branches of the library in other cities, in particular, the library of the Nikopol General Technical Faculty (1964-1987), the library of the Zaporozhye evening faculty (1966-1975), and the library of the Krivoy Rog metallurgical faculty (1962-2011), methodological assistance to which was provided by the main library of the university. The library of the «Druzhba» health and sports camp was open in the summer.   


Library of the health and sports camp"Friendship".


           The replenishment of the book fund continued in the 70s - 80s on average by 30 thousand copies annually. Since 1988, Svetlana Nikolaevna Fakhrutdinova became the director of the library.   


 Director S.N. Fakhrutdinova with the library staff. 1988 year


    Since 2004, a mini-version of the integrated library information system "IRBIS" has been in operation, the creation of an electronic catalog continues.

    In 2010, for the 80th anniversary of the library, the film "NMetAU Lidrary - 80 Years"  was made.





L I B R A R Y 


   It is said that the book disappears; I think that this is impossible.


                                                                                  Jorge Luis Borges



Fahrutdinova S.N.

   The library is an educational, scientific, information and cultural-educational structural unit of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine. The work of the library is aimed at creating conditions for fruitful scientific, educational and practical activities of students, teachers, administrative and scientific and technical personnel of the Academy. In its activity, the library is guided by the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On the Library and Library Affairs", regulations and documents on the library business of the governing bodies of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, "Model Provisions for a Higher Library educational institution of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine ".  General methodical guidance of the library is carried out by the Scientific and Methodic Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, regional and regional methodological councils of university libraries. 

Every year about 13 thousand readers are served, the book issue is more than 600 thousand copies Readers are served by 3 subscription cards, 1 reading room, Information and methodological department. The library's book stock is multi-branch and is about 500 thousand copies. It is manned with literature on metallurgy, machine building, chemical technology, economics, information technology, social sciences, and fiction. The readers are served subscription of educational literature (the library's new building, on the 1st floor), subscription of scientific and technical literature (room 259), subscription of fiction (room 417A), room scientific literature and periodicals (new building of the library, 2nd floor).    









 In 2020, the library celebrated its 90th anniversary.





The collective of the library in the foyer of the new library building. 2020.






In 2012, a new library building was opened.


This was a significant event not only for the library and its staff,


but for the entire academy.



By a momentous event in 2012 opening of new housing of library became for a library and her workers, on the floors of that subscription of educational literature, a reading room for scientific literature and periodicals, a reference and bibliographic department and a department for cultural and educational work.




Library staff in a new building





      Subscription of educational literature   





Reading room of scientific literature and periodicals





Information and methodological department



Student reading room 





The subscription of fiction 




 For today, the library's book stock is 477886 copies. Now there are 25 people in the staff of the library. The library is an important educational, scientific-information and cultural-educational unit of the Academy.


       For success in organizing the library business and promoting the book, the library and its employees were repeatedly encouraged by letters and gratitude to the governing bodies and academy: 12 workers received letters of commendation and gratitude from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, L.N. Fedenko and L.P. Kovaleva awarded the badge "Excellent worker of education of Ukraine".




  In 2015, the 85th anniversary of the library was marked by the film "The Library of NMetAU - 85 Years" .





The collective of the library in the foyer of the cultural and educational department