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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

All-Ukrainian conference of young scientists "Young scientists - from theory to practice" (Ukraine, NMetAU)

For the first time, the conference was held in 2010 with students of the State Institute for Training and Retraining of Industrial Personnel / GIPOprom / and the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine / NMetAU /. At that time, GIPOprom worked as a part of the educational and scientific complex with the NMetAU. In 2013, after the reorganization of GIPOprom into a structural unit of NMetAU - Institute of Integrated Forms of Education / InIFN / the conference was organized by NMetAU. From 2022 (after the reorganization of NMetAU), the organizer of the conference is the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology.

Time: February-March.

Forms of participation: in person, in absentia.

Legitimacy and features: The conference is annually included in the list of international and all-Ukrainian conferences of applicants for higher education and young scientists by the Institute for the Modernization of Education Content of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since 2019, taking into account the actual composition of the participants, the international status of the conference has been replaced by an all-Ukrainian one.

Main directions (sections):

- metallurgy, mechanical engineering, metalworking;
- economy, management. Right. Municipal economy;
- informatics, computer technology, IT technologies. Maths;
- education, pedagogy, psychology;
- metrology, standardization, certification. Ecology and environmental protection;
- natural, humanitarian, socio-political sciences.

Conference languages: Ukrainian, English, Bulgarian.

After the end of the conference, all participants who sent reports (theses) receive a collection of materials, as well as a certificate confirming the publication of materials in the collection. Since 2022, due to the complication of the situation on the market of printing services and their significant increase in price, the collection of materials will be produced in the "electronic edition" format, with the assignment of an international book index ISBN and placed in public access on the website of the organizers.

Conference Proceedings (Archive)*:     2019     2020     2021     2023     2024

* - in 2022, due to the occurrence of extraordinary events, the conference was postponed to 2023. Information on publications in collections published before 2019 is provided by the scientific secretary of the conference upon request.


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