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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

VII International Conference News icon

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the VII International Conference "Innovative technologies in science and education. European experience", which will take place on December 23-25, 2024. The conference is in the List of the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2024 (section I /International conferences/, item 707). It is planned to publish a collection of materials with ISBN assignment.Applications and materials should be sent to the organizing committee (Dnipro) at the e-mail address: Detailed information and application forms for participation are posted on the website of the IIBT of USUST (view).                                                 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE


National competition on cyber security for students News icon

With the assistance of the Cyber ​​Police of Ukraine, the company Binance, the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the NGO Brama, the national cyber security competition for students CYBER SECURITY CAMP will soon start. The purpose of the event is to increase the awareness of young people in matters of digital security, countering online threats and cyber security skills.


Meeting of students with management and teachers of the faculty

Dear students!

On September 11, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., there will be an online meeting (ZOOM) of the management and teachers of the Nikopol Faculty with students. Links to join the meeting will be sent by the dean's office to the relevant groups. We will be glad to meet in the new academic year!


In memory of the Hero News icon

While defending his native land from the enemy, a student of our faculty, a native of Pokrov, Yury Volodymyrovych Rozhevsky, a soldier, an electrician driver of the first mortar platoon, the first mortar battery of the mechanized battalion, died in Donetsk region. In peacetime, Yuriy studied under the "Metallurgy" educational program, was a conscientious student and an expert in his field in production. Farewell to Yuriy will take place on Monday, July 8, in the city of Pokrov.

The leadership and teaching staff of the Nikopol Faculty express their deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased Hero. Eternal memory to the defender of the Motherland...


XVIII International Conference

Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the XVIII International Conference "Quality Strategy in Industry and Education" (plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine for 2024 /pos. 406/), which is scheduled for June 3-6, 2024, at the Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria). The conference will be held in correspondence/face-to-face and/or online format with the publication of a collection of materials that will have an international index (ISBN). Among the events of the conference - an internship with the receipt of a certificate from TU-Varna (for correspondence form, the conditions are subject to clarification). Application forms and more detailed information on the conference page.


General meetings of education seekers of the Nikopol Faculty

On May 15, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., a general meeting of student representatives of the Nikopol Faculty (NF) was held (in online mode). The item on the agenda was the election of representatives (delegates) from students of the faculty to participate in the elections of the rector of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology in accordance with the current requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and USUNT. Due to the conditions of martial law and constant shelling of the Nikopol and Marganets territorial communities, on the territory of which a certain part of the faculty's students live, not all students who received an invitation from the student council were able to attend the meeting. Nevertheless, it was possible to gather more than 50% of the total number of NF students at the meeting, which gives reason to consider the meeting legitimate, or as it took place, and its results are legitimate. Serhiy Mandryka and Oleksiy Korkishka were elected as representatives (delegates) from the NF for the election of the rector of USUNT. We hope that the elected delegates will adequately represent the faculty at the upcoming rector elections.

Thank you to everyone who, despite the circumstances, found an opportunity to take part in the elections!



XVIII International Conference

Quality strategy in industry and education

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the XVIII International Conference "Quality Strategy in Industry and Education" (plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine for 2024 /item 406/), which is scheduled for June 3-6, 2024. on the basis of the Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria). The conference will be held in correspondence/face-to-face and/or online format with the publication of a collection of materials that will have an international index (ISBN). Among the events of the conference - an internship with the receipt of a certificate from TU-Varna (for correspondence form, the conditions are subject to clarification). Application forms for participation and more detailed information are available on the conference page.


XIV All-Ukrainian Conference

Dear young scientists, graduate students, students!

We invite you to take part in the 14th All-Ukrainian conference "Young scientists 2024 - from theory to practice". The conference will be held on March 21, 2024 in an absentee (and/or online) format. The conference is included in the corresponding List of international, all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences of higher education graduates and young scientists in 2024 in the system of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 21/08-7 dated January 4, 2024, in the list - All-Ukrainian Conferences, No. 15).

Download / View Link:

Conference information and requirements                Application form


Another irreparable loss News icon

It is with deep sadness that we inform you that on February 26, 2024, near the Our student (group МБ901-21Н), marksman of the 23rd OMBr Sevostyanov Gennadiy Vitaliyovych died in Ocheretino, Pokrovsky district, Donetsk region, while performing a combat mission.

Before the war, Hennadiy worked as an electric and gas welder at TsRMU-1 of the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant. According to colleagues at work, he was a conscientious and diligent worker who quickly mastered new knowledge.

The teaching staff of the Nikopol Faculty express their sincere condolences to the wife, relatives and friends of the deceased Hero. A bright memory and a low bow to the defender of the Motherland...

More detailed information about Gennady Sevostyanov is available on the Nikopol News website


Герої не вмирають... Life for the future News icon

On January 28, 2024, sergeant Serhii CHABAN heroically died while steadfastly and courageously defending the Motherland while performing a combat mission near the village of Ivanivske, Bakhmut District, Donetsk Region. Serhiy was a participant in the anti-terrorist operation. During his service, he was awarded the Order of "Ivan Sirk" 3rd degree, the award of the President of Ukraine "For participation in an anti-terrorist operation", the medal "20 years of missile troops and artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" and the commemorative medal "For the Defense of Happiness". Serhiy studied at our faculty under the "Metallurgy" educational program. After graduation (2023), he entered the Educational and Scientific Center of Correspondence Education of USUNT to obtain a master's degree in the educational program "Metallurgical processes of obtaining and processing metals and alloys"... Serhiy is survived by his mother, brother, wife and children. .

The management and teaching staff of the Nikopol faculty express their condolences to the relatives and friends of the fallen Hero, whose name will forever remain in the history of independent Ukraine.


XIV All-Ukrainian Conference of Young Scientists

Dear young scientists, graduate students, students!

We invite you to take part in the 14th All-Ukrainian conference "Young scientists 2024 - from theory to practice". The conference will be held on March 21, 2024 in an absentee (and/or online) format. The conference is included in the corresponding List of international, all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences of higher education graduates and young scientists in 2024 in the system of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine (letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 21/08-7 dated January 4, 2024, in the list - All-Ukrainian Conferences, No. 15).

Download / View Link:

Conference information and requirements                Application form


VI International Conference "Innovative Technologies in Science and Education. European experience" (Faro, Portugal)

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the VI International Conference "Innovative technologies in science and education. European experience", which will take place on January 16-18, 2024. The conference is in the List of scientific conferences on issues of higher education and science for 2023 (section I /International conferences/, item 516). As in previous years, the organizing committee provides the opportunity for participants to pass the B2 level exam (English only). It is also planned to prepare and publish a collection of materials with the assignment of an international ISBN index. More detailed information and application forms for participation...
