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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


On March 5, 2019, at the conference hall of the NMetAU, a meeting was held between students who were admitted to study at the Nikopol Faculty of NMetAU (see report from 07.09.2018) with the leadership and leading scientists of NMetAU. The meeting was organized on the initiative S. Zinchenko with the assistance of the NMetAU leadership (rector O. Velychko, first vice-rector V. Ivaschenko), Institute of integrated education /IIE/ (director - T. S. Khokhlov) and support of the Dnipro regional state administration, the Nikopol city council and Interpipe corporation. More information about the event is posted on the page of the IIE.



On March 5, 2019, at the conference hall of the NMetAU, a meeting was held between students who were admitted to study at the Nikopol Faculty of NMetAU (see report from 07.09.2018) with the leadership and leading scientists of NMetAU. The meeting was organized on the initiative S. Zinchenko with the assistance of the NMetAU leadership (rector O. Velychko, first vice-rector V. Ivaschenko), Institute of integrated education /IIE/ (director - T. S. Khokhlov) and support of the Dnipro regional state administration, the Nikopol city council and Interpipe corporation.

The first vice-rector wishing former warriors of successful training and further career growth, Valeriy Ivashchenko assured those present that the Academy leadership will provide students with all the conditions for successful training, including for studying at NMetAU in master's and postgraduate programs.

Director of the IIE at NMetAU prof. T. Khokhlova, in his speech, noted that at the Nikopol Faculty, whose work is provided by the institute, students have all the opportunities for successful study and mastering of specialties that are in demand by employers of the Nikopol region. In her speech, it was emphasized that the faculty members of the academy in the person of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Institute will make every effort to ensure an adequate level of training and appropriate conditions for the implementation of plans for the future.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M. Gasik, who spoke to the students with a meaningful word-for-word, made a brief excursion into the glorious history of the academy and the department of electrometallurgy, completing his speech in handing students the books on ferroalloy production. No less striking was the appeal to the prof. V. Gladkikh, who supplemented Mikhailo Gasik wishes with his own, is no less an emotional tip for the students.


 Leading NMetAU scientists, in particular the head of the department, also spoke at the students - Head of foundry Department prof. V. Chrychikov, Head of technological design Department V. Balakin and other representatives of the departments and units of the academy.

No one left anxious emotional performance by associate professor of Coatings, Composite Materials and Metal Protection Department Assoc. Prof. A. Bila, who, on the occasion of the presentation to the students, threw her volunteers' form with awards for merits, wishing the former soldiers to remain persistent and focused on all their present fronts - in education, work, social and family life.


At the end of the meeting, its participants took pictures of good memories and went on a tour.

We wish our students, the glorious defenders of the Motherland, the successful training in NMetAU and the further fruitful work under the peaceful sky for the benefit of Ukraine's development and prosperity!

The secretary of the IIE scientific council Ph.D. Yu. Stupak

Nikopol's Faculty (Nikopol sity)