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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Dedication to students at the Nikopol Faculty of NMetAU

Dedication to students at the Nikopol Faculty of NMetAU

On September 3, 2018, at the Nikopol Faculty (NF) NMetAU, with the support of the leadership of the Academy and the Institute of Integrated Learning Forms / Institute of Informatics and Innovation (Director - Prof. T. S. Khokhlov), a solemn dedication to the students of NMetAU was organized, organized by the faculty staff (Director of the Center NMetAU S.  M. Zinchenko, deputy of deputy L.O. Bobkova, methodologists T.M.Miroshnichenko, O.G. Efimenko, M.V. Bokiy). MORE...


 Among the students of the faculty, who attended the ceremony, especially those who recently participated in the fighting in the East of Ukraine - most of them on the occasion of the holiday came in military uniforms, with military awards.

  After the solemn introduction of the state flag of Ukraine and the performance of all present state hymns, the greeting was made by the Director of the Institute of Infectious diseases of the NMetAU prof.  Tetiana Stanislavovna Khokhlov, who, on behalf of the NMetAU administration, congratulated the students on the beginning of the new academic year and wished all successful training and career development at the leading enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex of Nikopolshchina.

According to the tradition, the Charity Nikopol and the hieromonk district Mercury (Skorokhod), the founder and rector of the Nikopol church of the holy righteous Peter Kalnyshevsky in honor of the ATO soldiers who died, spoke before the present.  Blessing the students for new feats, now in a peaceful life, Fr. Merkurie transferred the hallowed icon brought to him by the faculty from Holy Mount Athos, which will take a worthy place at the faculty and become a kind of awe for his students and staff.

  Symbolic relay race of knowledge was entrusted to the best students of senior courses, solemnly presented to yesterday's entrants "key knowledge", received a year earlier from their predecessors at the same event.

  The performance of the children's dance group was brightly revived and decorated with festive atmosphere. The inflammatory dance of young artists in colorful outfits has earned the generous ovation of those present.

  Not less solemn was the second part of the event, which was held in the concert hall of the cultural-sports complex (KSK) JSC "Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant" (JSC "NZF) / Chairman of the Board, Director General of the DTs.  VS  Kucin /, once again courtesy of its masters, employers for a significant part of our students and graduates.

Representatives of the regional state administration (the city of Dnipro), the Nikopol city authorities (city council, city hall, education and science management), heads and top managers of leading mining and smelting and pipe products were present at the spacious hall, barely containing all guests and participants of the festivities.  enterprises of the city and region (Marganets, Pokrov, etc.), leaders and students of colleges, vocational schools and lyceums, directors of schools and senior pupils of Nikopol, veterans of metallurgical production and teachers - veterans of the Nikopol faculty, representatives of a number of communities  organizations as well as the media.

 After a symbolic minute of silence in memory of the dead students of NMetAU from the scene of the KSC, the representatives of the Regional State Administration (Department of Participants of the ATO) addressed AV.  Chumak, SI  Krokhmal - assistant of the People's Deputy of Ukraine AF  Shipko, as well as representatives of employers (JSC "NZF", INTERPIPYPE NIKO TYUB, JSC "Pokrovsky GOK", etc.) who wished our students successful training and work at the enterprises of the region.  A pleasant surprise for the students and faculty of the faculty was that the speakers were not limited to one point.  The best students of the faculty at the 2017-2018 academic year.  year - Andriy Alekseevets (gr ID-901-12n), Oksana Ostroushko (ME-09-14d), Natalya Udovichenko, Nikita Tselesius, Roman Litovchenko, Anatoly Rybka, Vitaliy Berdenko, Alexey Nikichuk (all - group ME-915-  17H) were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts from Interpipe NIKO TYUB, JSC Pokrovsky GOK and also from the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine A.F.  Shipko.

An equally valuable gift for the students of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine NMetAU, in the first place - the participants of the fighting - were the bright performances of the laureates of the All-Ukrainian festival "Songs born in ATO", organized with the direct support of the regional governor Valentin Reznichenko (more on the festival see here: http  The songs performed by Alexander Klits, Sergei Boyko and Vyacheslav Kuprienko really shook the audience, reminding many that the war has not yet ended in Ukraine, from which many of our students have returned very recently.  After completing these performances, after the first rows occupied by the students - the participants of the fighting, everyone present in the room got up and applauded the performers for a long time ...

  The talented artists and amateur groups of Nikopol, who performed after the laureates, also left no one indifferent, deserving loud applause from the hall and warm smiles of grateful spectators and listeners.

  Sure, the holiday is long remembered by our students who, no doubt, made the right choice by becoming students of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.  Teaching staff of INIFN NMetAU and the staff of the Nikopol Faculty will make every effort to ensure that none of our students and graduates regret their choice!

We wish all our students success in studying and working at the enterprises of the city of Nikopol and the region!

Nikopol's Faculty (Nikopol sity)