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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

educational and professional program "Сorrosion protection of metals",
speciality: 136 - Metallurgy


         The educational and professional program “Protection of Metals from Corrosion” is focused on training specialists who are able, on the basis of scientific principles, to analyze, develop, optimize and use modern and promising metallurgical production technologies with an emphasis on corrosion protection processes that ensure sustainable development and resource and energy conservation in metallurgical production .

         This educational program focuses on modern scientific and scientific-practical methods of protecting metals from corrosion; design of equipment and workshops; the development of innovative technologies that provide resource and energy conservation and guarantee environmental protection.

          After graduation, students can take primary engineering and managerial positions (grassroots managerial staff without seniority requirements) provided for by the National Classification of Occupations (DK 003: 2010) and the nomenclature of positions of industrial enterprises, design and research organizations, profile or certain areas of activity which correspond to the obtained professionally specialization Master.

Work in the specialty at metallurgical enterprises, research institutes, higher educational institutions, including engineering, scientific and teaching.

        It is also possible to continue studies at the third educational and scientific level of higher education, as well as to improve qualifications and receive additional postgraduate education.


The educational and professional program of the second (master's) level of higher education for the preparation of masters in the field of knowledge 13 "Mechanical Engineering", specialty 136 "Metallurgy" the educational and professional program " Сorrosion  protection of metals" includes the following list of academic disciplines:


General Training Cycle:

1. Marketing Basics

2. National economy

3. Professional foreign vocabulary

4. The basics of intellectual property


Training cycle:

1. Labor protection in the industry and civil protection

2. Sustainable industry

3. Methods of applied statistical analysis

4. Modeling of corrosion processes

5. Heat and mass transfer in metallurgical systems


Discipline of free choice:

1. Modern information and communication technologies

2. Analytical calculations of corrosion processes

3. Theoretical and experimental studies in the specialty

4. Computerization of research

5. Current problems of protecting metals from corrosion

6. Nanomaterials and modern technology

7. Scientific and pedagogical workshop in the specialty.