Kovzik Anatoliy Department manager candidate of technical science, assistant professor Roslyk Iryna candidate of technical science, professor Belaya Alena candidate of technical science Golovachov Artem candidate of technical science, assistant professor Kushnir Yuliia laboratory chief, assistant Nosko Olga Anatolievna Dean candidate of technical science, assistant professor Pinchuk Sophia doctor of engineering's sciences, professor Аюпова Тетяна Анатоліївна Vice dean candidate of technical science, assistant professor Голуб Ірина Валеріївна candidate of technical science, assistant professor Карпов Володимир Юрійович doctor of engineering's sciences, professor Сухомлин Дмитро Андрійович candidate of chemical science, assistant professor Фролова Лілія Анатоліївна doctor of engineering's sciences, professor