Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


Department "Quality, Standardization and Certification" of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnipro, 4 Gagarin Avenue, NMetAU)
prepares experts by Educational and Professional Programs:
- "Quality, metrology and expertise" according to the educational level "Bachelor";
- "Quality, standardization, certification and metrology" according to the educational-professional level "Master", - on specialty 152 - Metrology and
information-measuring technique
The content of training is as follows.
Each of us is a CONSUMER of many types of products and services and, at the same time, is the MANUFACTURER of certain types of products or services used 
by other people. This  determine the general interest in HIGH QUALITY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. This interdependence is based on the protection of
consumer rights, the progress and prosperity of society.
Everything that is made requires measurement and evaluation of the relevant consumer properties and quality.
The experience of developed countries suggests that product quality can and should be managed. It not only satisfies the needs of consumers, but also greatly 
saves financial and material resources of society.
Standardization, expert assessment of compliance with the certification, technical control and metrology are used over the manufacture of products (provision 
of services) for the processes management and their control.
STANDARDS with state support are a documented form of public agreement regarding a rational "price-quality" ratio that satisfies the majority of consumers 
and producers in a country.

Comparison of existing and required in standards properties of products (services) is carried out taking into account the approaches of commodity research on

the basis of quality control and measurements using METROLOGY in the processes of QUALITY AUDIT, EXPERT ASSESSMENT OF CONFORMITY, which are the basis

of the CERTIFICATION. The latter represents a field of activity that certifies by documents  for the conformity of the products (services), process and/or system

properties with the regulatory requirements.
All of these activities form the sphere of TECHNICAL REGULATION to meet the needs of people.

The success here is conditioned by such an organization of processes in which lack is minimized, and its access to the consumer becomes impossible.
As the response to such society need the INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS of Quality System building content appeared.
Their scope of application is constantly expanding and covers an increasing number of aspects: production, environment, safety, social responsibility, education, 
risk management, energy management, etc. These documents are designed in such a way that they can be applied in any branch of economic activity, in
organizations of any form of ownership and size.
Ukraine is an active participant in the reputable International Organization for Quality and Technical Regulation and works to harmonize its normative base with 
international standards. Their implementation in practice is inextricably linked with quality measurement, i.e. qualimetry and metrology, based on modern
methods of research and processing of statistical material. Professional fulfillment of all these works is impossible without mastering of modern information
technologies, first of all - in the areas of metrology, standardization, certification, commodity science and quality.
All of this forms the educational content of above-mentioned educational programs ("Quality, Metrology and Expertise" and "Quality, Standardization, Certification 
and Metrology") within the specialty 152 - Metrology and information-measuring technique for the universal specialists study.
Only a few Ukraine universities (and only NMetAU in region near river of Dnepr) carry out training of metrology specialists with an emphasis on the use of quality 
system standards: ISO (and DSTU ISO) series 9000, 10000, 14000, 17000, 19011, 22000, 26000, 27000, 31000, 45000 (OHSAS 18000), 50000, EN 26000,
EN 45000 and others, as well as so-called specific "Good Practices". It meets the urgent needs of organizations in quality assurance, standardization, audit and
certification, metrology and technical control.

In NMetAU since 2004, the specialized department "Quality, Standardization and Certification" (QSC) prepares the bachelors and masters of the specified profile.

Students receive special knowledge in the field of development and use of quality systems components, correct providing of measurement and use of measuring

instruments, development and maintenance of normative and technical documentation, systems, products and processes quality control, the performance of

procedures for expert assessment of conformity, as well as knowledge of the general (fundamental) disciplines that are required for the acquisition of specialized

subjects. Particular attention is paid to computer training of students. This secured by the material, informational and methodological support availability.

The technical committee of TC 136 "Fasteners" of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, NMetAU standardization unit, is a display class 
equipped with modern computerized workplaces are at the QSC Department. At the department disposal there are more than 200 units of metrological equipment;
all academic disciplines have the established methodological support; own library contains more than 300 special text-books; more than 10 specialized textbooks
were issued by full-time faculty staff.
The department has and develops fruitful relationships with related universities, institutions and enterprises of Ukraine: “Lviv Polytechnic”, National University of 
Technology and Design (Kyiv), National Pharmacological University (Kharkiv) and others, the Association of Metal Works of Ukraine "Ukrmetiz" (Dnipro), “Research
Institute of the Pipe Industry named after. Ya.Yu. Osada”, “INTERPIPE Nizhnedneprovskiy Tube Rolling Plant”, "EVRAZ Dniprovskiy Metallurgical Plant", etc. This
provides the basis for improving the educational process and performing relevant research, conducting student practices and improving teachers skills.
At present, the staff of the QSC-department consists of 16 employees, including 11 highly qualified teachers working at their main place of work, of which 2 are 
doctors of sciences, professors and 10 candidates of sciences, associate professors. The department is headed by its organizer, doctor of technical sciences,
professor Anatoliy M. Dolzhanskiy.
He is a known expert with experience in managerial, innovative and practical work, a Full member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, Chairman 
of the Technical Committee for Standardization of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Chairman of a number of commissions and a
member of the academic councils, member of the editorial board of the all-Ukrainian magazine "Metallurgical and Mining Industry". He published more than 500
scientific and technical and methodological works, including 8 textbooks on the aspects of ensuring the functioning and improvement of quality systems, technical
regulation and technical control, more than 60 certificates of authorship and patents for inventions, more than 10 of them were implemented in production, developed
more than 80 standards DSTU ISO, harmonized with relevant international documents.
Under the leadership of Dolzhanskiy A.M. 8 candidate's theses are defended, most of whose authors work as teachers at the QSC-department. 
Other teachers of the QSC-department also have significant pedagogical and scientific and technical potential and achievements. All teachers involved in the educational 
process teach the disciplines that are relevant to their qualifications.
Graduates of the QSC-department of NMetAU (at the present time – more then 500) are able to work in any branch of the national economy (management and technical 
regulation, heavy and light industry, education, construction, agriculture, industrial and household chemistry, trade, food production, pharmacology, etc.) and, as
practice shows, they occupy prestigious positions at the enterprises and organizations in the departments of quality assurance and performance of work on standardization
and certification, expert-auditor, the workers of metrological services and technical control over decent wages.
- in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine, the transition to European and international standards and the output of domestic products to new markets,..
- in the course of updating the legislation of Ukraine in the spheres of consumer protection, metrology and metrological activity, standardization, conformity 
assessment of products and services,..
- under conditions of introduction of quality management systems in most enterprises, certified according to the requirements of international and regional 
standards ISO series 9000, 10000, 14000, 17000, 22000, 27000, 31000, 45000 (OHSAS 18000), 50000, , EN 26000, EN 45000 and others,..
- in the conditions of the acute need of many enterprises in specialists on technical regulation and quality management,..
- in the conditions of the necessity of measuring the vital characteristics of goods and services of everyday use for life and health of a person,..
of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.




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