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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies



The Department of Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals is a graduate in the field of "13 - Mechanical Engineering" in the specialty "132 - Materials Science".



Department of matherial science and heat treatment of metals  carries out training in the specialty 132-Materials Science on the EPP "Materials Science" for the bachelor's level of education and on the EPP "Applied Materials Science" and "Heat Treatment of Metals" at the educational level "Master". Bachelors and masters of the department receive in-depth knowledge in the following professional areas: development of new principles for creating nanomaterials, materials with a required complex of properties; development of modes and technologies for heat and combined treatments of steels, alloys, predicting the properties of metal and composite materials and products based on them, ensuring reliable performance of structures. Acting Head of the Department of Materials Science and Heat Treatment of Metals, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Deyneko Leonid


Educational and qualification level for ЕPP "Materials Science", specialty 132-Materials Science Bachelor - 4 years of study. Educational and qualification level for ЕPP "Applied Materials Science", specialty 132-Materials Science Master - 1.5 years of study Educational and qualification level for ЕPP "Heat treatment of metals", specialty 132-Materials Science Master - 1.5 years of study