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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Conducted trainings for industrial partners and round tables



1) December 2022 – offline training course for retraining employees for enterprises of the machine-building complex "Integration of Industry 4.0 to Manufacturing Operations"

Links to the event in mass media:


2) May 2023. Online training course for representatives of enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex "Industry 4.0. Technologies in Metallurgy"

Links to the event in mass media: /span>


3) November 12 — 18, 2023. «Tools for creating digital twins, programming controllers for Industry 4.0». Together with Festo.

Links to the event in mass media:


4) November 2023. Online training course for junior specialists of enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex "Industry 4.0. New opportunities for development of Ukrainian metallurgy (two days training for junior specialists)"

Links to the event in mass media:


5) December 04-08 2023. Educational training for industrial partners and academic staff


6) December 2023. Online training course for representatives of enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex "Development of metallurgy in context of Industry 4.0"

Links to the event in mass media:


7) The round table with the representatives of DB Pivdenne


8) The round table with the representatives of Dniproprotez



The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein


Training program December 2022 for Industries.pdf (training_program_december_2022_for_industries__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 1125 kb)

Training program May 2023 for Industries.pdf (training_program_may_2023_for_industries__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 1309 kb)

2023_Agenda_UDUNT_UA.pdf (2023_agenda_udunt_ua__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 319 kb)

2023_Agenda_UDUNT_EN.pdf (2023_agenda_udunt_en__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 306 kb)

Training program November 2023 for Industries.pdf (training_program_november_2023_for_industries__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 1087 kb)

Educational training December 2023.pdf (educational_training_december_2023__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 1263 kb)

Training program November-December 2023 for Industries.pdf (training_program_november-december_2023_for_industries__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 2319 kb)

Uplink: Laboratory  Industry 4.0 / HEIn4