educational and professional program "Applied linguistics in the field of translation",
speciality: 035 - Philology (*)
03 «Гуманітарні науки»
Due to student-centered, problem-oriented learning and proactive self-study, applicants for higher education acquire general and professional competencies necessary for successful professional activity. General competences are:
1) The ability to realize their rights and obligations as a member of society, to be aware of the values of a civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
2) The ability to preserve and increase moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society on the basis of understanding the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology, use various types and forms of motion activities for outdoor activities and a healthy lifestyle.
3) Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing.
4) Ability to be critical and self-critical.
5) Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
6) Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
7) Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
8) Ability to work in a team and autonomously.
9) Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
10) Ability for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
11) Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
12) Skills in the use of information and communication technologies.
13) Ability to conduct research at the proper level.
Professional competencies include:
1) Awareness of the structure of philological science and its theoretical foundations.
2) The ability to use in the professional activity of a technical translator knowledge about the language as a special sign system, its nature, functions, levels.
3) The ability to use in professional activities knowledge of the theory and history of English and the second German languages.
4) The ability to analyze the dialectal and social varieties of English and the second German languages, describe the sociolinguistic situation, adapt their speech behavior to the socio-cultural characteristics of the country with whose representatives the dialogue is being conducted.
5) The ability to use in professional activity systemic knowledge about the main periods of development of foreign literature from antiquity to the 21st century, the evolution of trends, genres and styles, prominent representatives and artistic phenomena, as well as knowledge about the development trends of the world literary process.
6) The ability to freely, flexibly and effectively use English and the second German languages orally and in writing, in different genre-style varieties and registers of communication (official, unofficial, neutral) for the implementation of technical and other types of translation and solving different types of communication problems in various spheres of life.
7) Ability to carry out industry-specific translation from English and a second German into Ukrainian, especially in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, enterprise economics and management.
8) Ability to freely operate with special terminology for solving professional problems of technical translation.
9) Awareness of the principles and technologies for creating texts of different genres and styles in the state, English and second German languages.
10) Ability to carry out a special philological analysis of texts of different styles and genres.
11) Ability to use the main types of software: text editors, educational programs, programs for statistical information processing.
12) Ability to organize business communication.
Programme profile
The department trains applicants for higher education in the educational and professional programme "Applied Linguistics in the Field of Translation" in the specialty 035 Philology, specialization 035.10 Applied Linguistics, branch of knowledge 03 "Humanities", higher education degree - bachelor, qualification: Bachelor of Philology, specialist in applied linguistics and translation.
Purpose of the Educational and Professional Programme
The purpose of the Programme is to train specialists in applied linguistics and translation from English and a second German language into Ukrainian.
Learning objectives for the educational and professional programme
The objectives of the training are to train specialists in applied linguistics in the field of information and computer technologies and translation from English and German into Ukrainian, in particular in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, enterprise economics and management in accordance with the demands of the labor market of the Dnieper industrial region, capable of solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems of translation (in particular, automatic and machine translation), and having the skills of web design and being able to use information and computer technologies and text processing tools, as well as ensure successful communication in English, German and Ukrainian.
Programme learning outcomes
1. To freely communicate on professional issues (in particular in the field of applied linguistics and translation) with specialists and non-specialists in Ukrainian, English and German languages orally and in writing, to use them to organize effective intercultural communication.
2. To work effectively with information: to select the necessary information from various sources, including professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, organize, classify and systematize it.
3. To organize education and self-education.
4. To understand the fundamental principles of human existence, nature, society.
5. To collaborate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, supporters of different political views, etc.
6. To use information and communication technologies to solve complex specialized tasks and problems of applied linguistics and translation.
7. To understand the main problems of philology and translation and solve them using appropriate methods and innovative approaches.
8. To know and understand the language system, the general properties of literature as the art of words, the history of English and German languages and foreign literature, to be able to apply this knowledge in the professional activity of a translator.
9. To be able to describe the dialectal and social varieties of English and German, to describe the sociolinguistic situation.
10. To know the norms of language and be able to apply them in practice.
11. To know the principles, technologies and techniques for creating oral and written texts of different genres and styles in Ukrainian and foreign (in English and German) languages.
12. To analyze linguistic units, determine their interaction and characterize linguistic phenomena and processes that determine them.
13. To analyze and interpret works of foreign fiction, determine their specificity and place in the literary process.
14. To use spoken and written English and German as a second language for solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems of applied linguistics and translation, as well as in various genres, styles and registers of communication (official, unofficial, neutral) for solving communication problems in everyday life., public, educational, professional, and scientific spheres of life.
15. To carry out linguistic, literary and special philological analysis of texts of different styles and genres.
16. To know and understand the basic concepts, theories and concepts of translation studies, to be able to apply them in the professional activity of a technical translator.
17. To collect, analyze, systematize and interpret the facts of language and speech and to be able to use them in order to solve complex problems and tasks in the field of technical translation.
18. To be able to manage complex activities or projects on solving complex problems in professional activities in the field of technical translation and be responsible for making decisions in unpredictable conditions.
19. To participate in scientific and/or applied research in the field of philology.
Employment and further training
Graduates of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine in the field of knowledge 03 "Humanities" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 035 Philology, specialization 035.10 Applied linguistics have the opportunity to hold the positions of an applied linguist, translator, communication manager, consultant, journalist, travel agent; positions of engineering and technical personnel in the field of bilingual communication and information, namely: an engineer-translator, secretary-assistant, consultant, dealer, public relations officer in management organizations, manufacturing, commercial enterprises and firms, in information and advertising agencies and the like. In some cases, graduates may also hold positions of management personnel in the above-mentioned organizations and institutions related to communication and information activities. According to the classifier of economic activities DK 009: 2010, employment of graduates is possible in such activities as Section B Extractive industry and quarrying, Section C Manufacturing industry, Section M Professional scientific and technical activities, Section J Information and telecommunications, Section R Arts, sports, entertainment and recreation.