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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

18 травня 2022 року відбулася XIV Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція «Інформаційні технології в металургії та машинобудуванні – ІТММ’2022»

В інституті промислових та бізнес технологій Українського державного університету науки і технологій на базі кафедри інформаційних технологій і систем в чотирнадцяте пройшла Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція «Інформаційні Технології в Металургії та Машинобудуванні – ІТММ’2022».

Захід проводився в online форматі з використанням платформи Zoom. Застосування засобів віртуальних комунікацій надало можливість учасникам конференції та усім зацікавленим особам прийняти участь в ІТММ’2022, зважаючи на обставини воєнного стану.

З привітальним словом виступив Олександр Грогорович Величко, директор ННІ «Інститут промислових та бізнес технологій» Українського державного університету науки і технологій. В пленарній частині конференції та секційних докладах були представлені доповіді, що стосуються питань розробки, адаптації та впровадження нових математичних моделей та інформаційних технологій в технічні та технологічні процеси на підприємствах Украйни. Окрім того, професор Сергій Вікторович Плаксін представив доповідь на тему «Високошвидкісний наземний транспорт на основі магнітної левітації з електроживленням від розподіленої вітро-сонячної енергосистеми з перспективними енергонакопичувачами», яка викликала жваву дискусію присутніх науковців. Великий інтерес учасників викликала також доповідь «Викладання основ академічної етики як один з аспектів підготовки аспірантів для дослідницької роботи. Досвід інженерного коледжу у США» нашого колеги з Університеті штату Мічиган (Іст-Лансінг, США) Тарабари Володимира Валентиновича, до речі, уродженця нашого міста.

В роботі конференції прийняли участь 224 представники 9-ти закладів вищої освіти, науково-дослідницьких інститутів і підприємств України.

Сподіваємось, що конференція і надалі буде майданчиком для продуктивного спілкування наукової спільноти та представників металургійних і машинобудівних підприємств України. Організаційний комітет запрошує всіх до участі в конференції у наступному 2023 році.


Тетяна Селівьорстова
секретар організаційного комітету ІТММ’2022.


The Department of Information Technologies and Systems invites everyone to the Open Day online!

The following are waiting for you:

  • presentations of specialties in which training takes place;
  • acquaintance with the management and teachers of the department;
  • information on the conditions of joining us;
  • opportunity to communicate with us and get answers to all questions.

The event will take place on May 19, 2022 at 19:00 in the format of a Zoom conference. You can connect by following the link: or by the following information:
Conference ID: 730 7826 0422
Access code: 96Va2A


Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція «Інформаційні технології в металургії та машинобудуванні – ІТММ’2022



Шановні учасники Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції «Інформаційні Технології в Металургії та Машинобудуванні – ІТММ 2022», запрошуємо Вас до участі в заході, який відбудеться 18 травня 2022 року з використанням платформи Zoom.

Порядок роботи конференції 18 травня 2022 року
9.45 – 10.00 Підключення до Zoom конференції
10.00 – 12.00 Відкриття конференції. Пленарне засідання (Zoom)
12.00 – 17.00 Доповіді по секціях (Zoom)

Запрошення до Zoom конференції:

Тема: Інформаційні Технології в Металургії та Машинобудуванні - ІТММ 2022
Час: 18 травня 2022 09:45 Київ
Підключення до конференції Zoom
Ідентифікатор конференції: 833 8751 9662
Код доступу: 364199


Congratulations to the student of the group KN01-18s

 Pantyushina Mikola,

who won a silver medal in kumite and a gold medal in the team

competition in kumite at the Summer Deaflympics (Brazil).

We are proud of you and wish you new victories!


The Procedure for Admission to Higher Education in 2022 has been published

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, on May 4, 2022, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the Procedure for Admission to Higher Education in 2022. The same report provides detailed explanations of the specifics of the introductory campaign in 2022. It was also emphasized the need to follow the updates on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science and on the official pages of social networks, as it is possible to make certain changes to the introductory campaign in the current conditions.


News for entrants. The duration of the delivery of NMT is increased

After analyzing the results of trial testing, the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment decided to increase the duration of the national multisubject test (NMT) from 90 to 120 minutes. Accordingly, the online demo version of NMT has been updated, which those who wish can download to their PC using the link. More detailed information is on the official website of the UCOKO.



The website of the Dnipro City Council announced the creation of a free platform for preparation for the national multi-subject test. It is reported that every Monday and Wednesday, starting from May 2, video lectures by Dnieper teachers will be published on the platform. It is noted that as of April 26, 737 students have already registered on the platform. Dnipro students can join it now, but it is necessary to do it by the end of the week on the website Access to the platform is provided within a few days after registration based on the results of verification of the data provided by the student. More detailed information - the site of the Dnipro City Council.



The Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment has published a demonstration version of the national multi-subject test.
The demo test can be downloaded in .pdf format by following the link. In addition to the tasks, the test contains the correct answers, which allows self-examination.
It is also reported that in the near future there will be an opportunity to practice in the online version of the test on the website of the Lviv Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment. This option will help to feel the atmosphere of testing, train to perform tasks online, learn to allocate time to perform 60 tasks in three subjects. After completing the test, you will also be able to get test results.
Source: official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine



The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine informed about the content, structure and evaluation of the BAT block on the history of Ukraine. As in other BMT units, the content of the unit's tasks will be in line with the current external evaluation program on the history of Ukraine. The organizers promise to publish a demonstration version of the whole test at the end of April.



We invite you to the Day of Profession of the Faculty of Electromechanics and Electrometallurgy IPBT UGUNT

April 23, 2022 at 11:00 am

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 814 8365 4395  Access code: 2022

We invite you to the Profession Day of the Department of Electrical Engineering

April 23, 2022 at 11:45 am

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 889 8937 8286 Access code: 2022

We invite you to the Day of Profession of the Department of Electrometallurgy acad. M.I. Gasika

April 23, 2022 at 11:45 am

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 777 6728 1615 Access code: 1RsLC6

We invite you to the Day of Profession of the Department of casting production

April 23, 2022 at 11:30 am

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 726 0324 8326 Access code: RktN7z

We invite you to the Profession Day of the Department of Engineering Pedagogy

April 23, 2022 at 11:45 am

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 846 0365 9558 Access code: khu493


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The content, structure and evaluation of the BAT block in mathematics are reported. It is emphasized that the content of the tasks of the BMT unit in mathematics will correspond to the current program of external examinations in mathematics. An explanation of the history task will be available soon. And at the end of April the organizers will publish a demonstration version of the test.

SOURCE: the official website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment



The official website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment reports that instead of the traditional EIT, a national multi-subject test (BMT) is planned for this year's bachelor's degree. To take part in this test, entrants must register on the website of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment by April 19.



According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on April 7, 2022, the team of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment has prepared an explanation of the content, structure and assessment of the National Multidisciplinary Testing (BMC) in the Ukrainian language. It is noted that the content of the tasks of the NMT unit in the Ukrainian language will correspond to the current program of the External Evaluation in the Ukrainian language. According to S. Shkarlet, over the next two weeks there will be an explanation of the blocks on mathematics and history of Ukraine, and at the end of April there will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the demonstration version of the BMT.



The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment have published important information for entrants to higher education institutions in 2022. It is noted that persons who managed to register for the EIT (created a registration card and gave it to the head of the educational institution or sent it to the relevant regional center for educational quality assessment) are considered registered to take the entrance exams. For those who have not yet registered to participate in the external evaluation, it is suggested to get acquainted with the algorithm of actions for registration for participation in the entrance examinations-2022. It is also noted that the "Procedure for enrollment in higher education institutions in 2022", which will describe in detail the process of admission to universities, is being developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and will be published later.




The Verkhovna Rada has simplified admission to universities in 2022

On March 24, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Bill №7132 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in the Field of Education", which, in particular, provides for the following:

- graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year are exempted from passing the state final certification;
- Admission to higher education institutions this year will take place under a simplified mechanism without the use of the results of external independent assessment, a single entrance exam and a single professional entrance test.

Comments to the bill state that "... the admission campaign to Ukrainian universities this year will not be canceled, but will follow a special procedure, which is currently being developed by the Committee on Education and Science together with the Ministry of Education and Science." It is emphasized that "... it will be a simple, clear, and most importantly - a transparent mechanism for admission ..." with a clear plan of action for applicants.


Regarding state guarantees in martial law, state of emergency or state of emergency

President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law (registration number №7133) "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning State Guarantees in Conditions of Martial Law, Emergency or State of Emergency".

According to the document, pupils and students are guaranteed to organize the educational process remotely or in any other form that is safest. They are also guaranteed the payment of scholarships and other benefits provided by law and more. Employees of educational, educational and research institutions are guaranteed by law to retain their jobs and average earnings.

Source: official web portal of the Parliament of Ukraine


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