Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The provisions of subdivisions


Position about student gurtozhitki NMetAU.pdf (polozhennya_pro_gurtozhitki.pdf 288 kb)

Model Regulations of the Department NMetAU.pdf (kafedra_zi_zminami.pdf 801 kb)

NMetAU Library Regulations.pdf (polozhennya_pro_biblioteku.pdf 6005 kb)

Regulations on the center for preparation and training of foreign students of NMetAU.pdf (polozhennya_pro_tsentr_pidgotovki_ta_navchannya_inozemnih_studentiv.pdf 4447 kb)

Regulations on the Division of International Cooperation of NMetAU.pdf (polozhennya_pro_viddil_mizhnarodnogo_spivrobitnitstva.pdf 3219 kb)

polozhennya_pro_tsrk.pdf (polozhennya_pro_tsrk.pdf 227 kb)

Model Regulations of the Faculty NMetAU.pdf (polozhennya_pro_fakultet.pdf 783 kb)

Regulations on the military-mobilization unit of NMetAU.pdf (viyskovo-mobilizatsiyniy_pidrozdil.pdf 1080 kb)

Uplink: Regulations