Department "Financial Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring"
Educational and professional programs, which train specialists at the Department of "Financial Management, Accounting Analytics and Business Monitoring":
Bachelor's degree:
Educational and professional program "Accounting and Auditing" specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation"
Educational and professional program "Financial technologies in business" specialty 072 "Finance, banking and insurance"
Educational degree "Master":
Educational program "Accounting and Auditing" specialty 071 "Accounting and Taxation"
Educational program "Financial technologies in business" specialty 072 "Finance, banking and insurance"
prezentatsiya_072_ftb_spetsialnist_korotko.pptx (prezentatsiya_072_ftb_spetsialnist_korotko.pptx 14192 kb)
infmateriali_ftb.pdf (infmateriali_ftb.pdf 608 kb)
booklet_lbr_oa_rbr_2022__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf (booklet_lbr_oa_rbr_2022__lbr_1_rbr_.pdf 868 kb)
Video.mp4 (nmetau_lbr_oa_rbr_2020.mp4 35282 kb)