Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

November 9 – Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language! Talk to the public! Respect yourself and the country.

November 9 – Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language! Talk to the public! Respect yourself and the country.

Our language


    The Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language is celebrated on November 9. It was established by decree of the President of Ukraine on November 6, 1997 "in support of the initiative of public organizations ... on the day of commemoration of the Rev. Nestor the Chronicler".

    Sometime this day they were given to the school of children. The parents of the school went to church and put a candle in the image of the monk, believing that he would help the child to study. And, most importantly, learn a lot during your life, carefully and continuously. After all, "the benefit of it is great," because "Who learns youth is not hungry for old age." Traditionally, on the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Languages ​​they lay flowers at the Nestor Chronicle Monument, celebrate the best popularizers of the Ukrainian word, encourage publishers producing literature in the Ukrainian language, hold regional thematic competitions and more.

    The Ukrainian language belongs to the Slavic group of the Indo-European language family. The number of speakers is over 45 million, most of whom live in Ukraine. It is also widespread in Belarus, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Argentina, USA and other countries where Ukrainians live.

     The Ukrainian language is among the third most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and is the result of a long synthesis of three branches of the Slavic language - Polanski, Derevlyanski and Siversky.

     It is interesting that in terms of vocabulary, Belarusian is the closest among other languages ​​to Ukrainian (84% of common vocabulary), followed by Polish (71% of common vocabulary), Slovak (68% of common vocabulary), Russian (57%). And the whole Slavic language family has a huge common lexical basis with Sanskrit, and the age of literary and linguistic monuments of this language is over 4000 years!


     Ages of harassment have passed. We are already in the 21st century… We are civilized, humane, democratic… Glory to you, our language! You are a pearl among other languages ​​of the planet ... Thank you for breathing, blossoming and living !!!

