Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

March 9 Ukraine and Ukrainian Diaspora all over the world celebrate T.G. Shevchenko's birthday! News icon

    Taras Shevchenko is an outstanding Ukrainian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, political and public figure. He was a man of universal talents and interests. His whole life and work was devoted to Ukraine, the Ukrainian people. The poet dreamed of those times when his country would be an independent sovereign state and when the language, culture and history of people would be respected in Ukraine, and people would be happy in their native country.


On March 8, the project congratulates all women on spring and femininity! News icon

    International Women's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 8 in a number of countries as "Women's Day". Historically, it has emerged as a day of women's solidarity in many countries in the fight for equal rights and emancipation. Since March 1975, International Women's Day has been celebrated in the UN.


February 21, the whole world celebrates International Mother Language Day. Congratulations! News icon

   February 21, the whole world celebrates International Mother Language Day. Unfortunately, the history of the holiday has a tragic beginning. On February 21, 1952, in Bangladesh (East Pakistan), the Pakistani authorities brutally suppressed the demonstration of people protesting the government's ban on the use of their native language in Bengali.


January 29 is Memorial Day for Kruty Heroes. 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the battle ... News icon

      Full details of the battle at Kruty have not been established. So, the exact number of participants in the battle on both sides remains unclear. According to various sources, from 300 to 600 gymnasium students, students and cadets, and from 3 to 6,000 Bolshevik troops were participants in the tragic event.

      It preceded the event of the adoption by the Ukrainian Central Rada of the 4th Universal (end of January 1917), which proclaimed the independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR). The UPR hoped for federal relations with Russia. But, having come to power, the Bolsheviks put forward the UNR conditions under which the separation of Ukraine was possible only with the intervention in its internal affairs. The Bolsheviks were refused, after which the offensive of their troops in Ukraine began.


On January 8, 1935, Vasyl Symonenko, a Ukrainian poet and journalist, master of lyric poetry, was born in the village of Biyivka, Poltava region. News icon

«І якщо впадеш ти на чужому полі,

Прийдуть з України верби і тополі,

Стануть над тобою, листям затріпочуть,

Тугою прощання душу залоскочуть.

Можна все на світі вибирати, сину,

Вибрати не можна тільки Батьківщину»

                              (Василь Симоненко)
