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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The "ART - Metal" was created to bring together talented, creative people, and for their communication also.

Our website visitors and members can get acquainted with the creative achievements of different areas (prose, poetry, painting and other genres) made by our Alma mater’s (National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine) students, lecturers, staff.

"ART - METAL" will help to mutual exchange of creative ideas and achievements of bright individuals which are harmonious multi-faceted, unique, because the talented person is talented in everything.

It is known that the great poets, writers, artists often worked in other social spheres, but have received worldwide fame as the authors of artistic and literary works. There are Alexander Dovzhenko (diplomat), Isaac Asimov (physicist-astronomer), Kyr Bulychev (historian), Paul Anderson (electrical engineer), Leonid Panasenko (architect), Stephen King (teacher), Michael Zhvanetsky (engineer), Clifford D. Simak (journalist), Vasyl Stus (teacher), Konstantin Meladze (engineer) and many others.

Studying at one of the leading universities of Ukraine and acquiring technical or humanitarian profession, you can simultaneously carry out your needs of creative self-expression and to communicate with your colleagues being intimate in the arts.

We invite you to join the "ART - metal," to become our authors. We are also welcome to proposals and suggestions on the improvement of any page or section of the project "Art Metal".

Let the country know about you, let you know about the whole world!

The publication of the works are carried out with the permission of the author. (All Rights Reserved Art. 6,8,9 Law of Ukraine "On protection of copyright and allied rights "). Any commercial usage of works and their parts is pursued by the legislation on the protection of intellectual property rights.