Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


Master's student of the Department of Materials Science named after Yu.M. Taran-Zhovnir RYBKIN Oleksiy  with the receipt of the Diploma of the I Degree at the All-Ukrainian Competition of student's scientific works in the specialty "Materials Science" with work "FORMATION OF STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF FOUNDRY ALUMINUM ALLOY IN THE EXTREMELY DEFORMED STATE ", performed under the guidance of Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Ayupova T


On January 26-27, 2021, the successful defense of the master's final qualification works in the specialty 
132-Materials Science, EPP "Applied Materials Science" took place. Great success to you, dear colleagues!

Materials science department Students' Scientific activity

Classes in the discipline "Crystallography", teacher - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor K. Uzlov

Analysis of syngonies, construction of spatial models and determination of crystal symmetry classes.

Group MV01-16-1


All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers "Metallurgy" News icon

28 марта 2019 г на кафедре Материаловедения им. Ю.Н. Тарана-Жовнира  НМетаУ состоялся Всекураинский конкурс студенческих научных работ  по направлению "Металлургия", в котором приняли участие представители Национального научно-технического университета Украины "КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского", Национального авиационного университета, Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета, Национального университета "Львовская Политехника", Национального технического университета "Харьковский политехнический институт", Национальной металлургической академии Украины.


Поздравляем победителей!


Accreditation News icon

In order to conduct a primary accreditation examination of the educational and professional program “Applied Materials Science” in the specialty 132 - materials science for the second (master’s) level of higher education in the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 49-л  (January 11, 2019) the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine expert commission consisting of:

The Chairman of the Commission - Diana B. Glushkova, Head of the Department of Metal Technology and Materials Science, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, doctor of technical sciences, professor;

The Member of the Commission - Oleksandr A. Mityaev,  Head of the Department of Composite Materials, Chemistry and Technologies of the Zaporizhzhya National Technological University, doctor of technical sciences, professor;

 In the period from February 11 to February 13, 2019 inclusively reviewed the accreditation case submitted by the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and conducted an expert assessment of compliance with state requirements of educational activities of this educational institution for the preparation of applicants for the educational and professional program "Applied Materials Science" in  specialty 132 - materials science for Master’s level of higher education.

Meeting with graduates News icon

 A meeting with Svinarenko Ekaterina, a graduate from the Department of Materials Science, now PHD  Materials and Manufacturing Qualifacation, a research fellow at Siemence (China) Ltd., Corporate Technologies, Shanghai took place at the Department of Materials Science in 12.26.2018.

International science seminar News icon

On September 24, 2018, a scientific seminar was held on the topic “Nanostructured Metallization of 3D Biopolymer Matrices Using Extreme Biomimetric Methods”, the speaker –Petrenko Yaroslav, graduate student of materials science NMetAU, now a graduate student of Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg.

All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Materials Science News icon

On April 11-13, the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Materials Science took place in NMetAU. Congratulations to Orlovsky Ivan Vitalievich (Lutsk National Technical University) diploma of I degree; Gordienko Maxim Romanovich (Zaporozhye National Technical University) diploma II-degree; Stefan Ilya Maksimovich (National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine)diploma ІІІ-degrees

All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the direction of "Material Science-2018" News icon


1 місце КПІ Мавеев О.М. «Високоентропіїні Al-Ni-Co-Fe-Cr-Si-Ti покриття, отримані методом електроно-променевого наплвлення»

 2 місце ХПІ Шевченко А.М. «Залежності Холла-Петча для наноструктурних конденсатів на основі меді»

 2 місце НМетАУ Черниш Т.О.«Дослідження процесів виробництва термообробки контролю якості ВМ-сталі та розробка процедури аналізу її зерно граничних характеристик» (керівник проф.Узлов К.І.)

 3 місце ПДТУ Крупа А.Є. «Вплив відпуску на фазово-структурний стан та механічні властивості стплі 60С2ХФА підданій Q-n-p обробці»

 3 місце ХАІ Мусієнко В.С. «Підвищення зносостійкості поршневих кілець нанесення газотермічну сталь – молібденового покриття»

 3 місце СДУ Демченко М.В. «Дослідження структури та властивостей багатокомпонентних високоентропійних сплавів Al-Cr-Fe-Co-Ni легованих мідю»


Сongratulation! News icon

Sincerely I congratulate students and employees of Materials science  department with the beginning of academic year!

Head of Department

90-ліття Академіка НАНУ Тарана Ю.Н News icon


Кафедра Матеріалознавства 26 червня 2017 року відзначає 90-ліття Академіка НАНУ Тарана Ю.Н., який керував кафедрою з 1975 по 2003 рр.

YOUNG ACADEMY 2017 News icon


The conference "Young Academy 2017" will be at the conference hall of the Academy on 22 May at 10-00 o'clock in room 221!
We invite students, researchers and teachers to take an active part in the formation of future professionals and scientists, by which we will be proud!

Achieving of students News icon