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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Niziaiev Kostiantyn photo

Niziaiev Kostiantyn

Department manager

doctor of engineering's sciences, professor



Phone : (+38-0652) 474294, (+38-056) 3748609

Room : 406-a

- is the Associate Professor, Cand. Sc., the Winner of the reward of Jaroslav Mudry (1996). His total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is 22 years, including pedagogical 8 years. He is the author of 15 educational -methodical development, more than 40 works, 8 authorship certificates of the USSR on inventions, 4 patents of Ukraine. The basic directions of his scientific activity are: the theory and technology of oxygen - converter manufactures and ladle processing of pig-iron and steel. His basic scientific achievements are: development of technology of desulphurization of steel with slag of reusable use.

Creation of scientific bases and development of technology of processing iron-carbon melts immersed an electric arch in liquid metal.

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