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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The focus of attention is on improving the professional skills of the department's teachers Intellectual property and project management

Teachers of the department include:

Head of the Department of Science and Technology, prof. V.O. Petrenko,

Ph.D., prof. Korogod N.P.,

Ph.D., Assoc. Fonarova T.A.,

Ph.D., Assoc. Korkhina I.A.

and senior teacher Shvets Y.S.

from June 10 to 28, 2024, they completed a training course on improving the level of professional competence for teachers of higher education institutions and other specialists in the field of intellectual property "Intellectual property and the latest technologies for higher education institutions", which was developed by the department of the "Intellectual Property Academy" of Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations (IP Office)  with the support Academies of the World Intellectual Property Organization and received relevant certificates.

In the course of mastering the course, the teachers of the department improved their qualifications in the most relevant areas, such as:

1 Intellectual property and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR).

2 Artificial intelligence and protection of intellectual property.

3 Intellectual Property in Cloud Storage and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

4 Fundamentals of digital learning environments.

5 Digital resources in the educational environment.

6 Evaluation with the help of technologies.

7 Development of classes in the virtual environment.


Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management