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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management

Petrenko Vitaliy photo

Department manager: Petrenko Vitaliy


Address Department of Intellectual property and Project management (r. 235, 236, 246), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering , Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Gagarin avenue 4, Dnipro 49600, Ukraine


Phone: 067-710-38-19

In January 2018, as a result of the unification of two departments, the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management (IP and PM) was created, the head of which is Korogod Natalia Petrivna. Since 2022, the head of the Department of Information Technologies and Computer Sciences is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vitaliy Petrenko.

Department of IP and PM provides educational process of Masters training for educational and professional programs (EPP) "Intellectual Property" and "Project Management" specialty 073 "Management" in full-time and extramural studies (based on Bachelor’s degree).

Studying in the EPP "Intellectual Property", students obtain knowledge and skills required to solve issues of legal protection, economic problems, commercialization and protection of IP rights. A content of academic disciplines includes: the right of industrial property, copyright and related rights and their protection, IP economy, acquisition of IP rights, marketing of IP, patent information research, IP management and so on.

In modern conditions of development of international economic integration, objects of IP right, such as inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, know-how, computer programs, works of literature and art, etc. - provide competitiveness and additional profit for an enterprise. The main source of success is a set of knowledge that owns an enterprise or an organization, the so-called intellectual capital, the main component of which is intellectual property. That is why the specialty of becomes increasingly relevant. The demand for specialists in the field of IP is growing rapidly. Today, every creator, the author of IP objects, should be able to protect the results of its creative activity and to know the mechanism of their commercialization as a special type of product (services).

Studying in the EPP "Project Management", students obtain knowledge and skills in principles, methods and tools for project management, as well as consider planning, control, organization, motivation and coordination within the framework of a project. A content of educational disciplines includes a content of a project, making managerial decisions in the project, parties concerned, resource provision of the project, the risks of the project and managing them, quality management in the project and so on.

In 2023, the department made the first set of masters under the ЕPP "Compliance of metallurgical production" specialty 136 Metallurgy. The program provides a combination of modern specialized theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge in the field of metallurgy with economic and managerial knowledge adapted to the conditions and requirements of metallurgy, acquiring skills in the practical application of scientific, analytical, methodical tools and information and communication technologies to solve complex tasks and problems of functioning and innovative development of metallurgical enterprises.

Since 2021, the Department of IP and PM has begun preparing Bachelors in educational and professional programs (EPP) "Management of inventive activity" and "Project Management", from 2023 - "Innovative and legal management" of the specialty 073 "Management" in full-time and extramural studies. Training is conducted on the basis of complete general secondary education - from the 1st year and for a shortened term of study (after a technical school, college) - from the 3d year.

Studying in the EPP " Management of inventive activity ", students obtain knowledge and skills in methods and laws of logic used in technologies for inventing and artistic design; types of technical (inventive) tasks at solving which the result of intellectual activity in any field of technologies are aimed; revealing the essential features of an object of an invention, a utility model, an industrial design; methodological bases for the creation of intellectual property objects; use of patent information sources.

Studying in the EPP "Project Management", students obtain knowledge and skills in technologies for identifying and justifying managerial decisions; tools for effective project interaction, leadership, command work; software tools and information technology for project management; risk management and alternative project development scenarios within strategic goals of the organization.

Studying under the ЕPP "Innovative and legal management" graduates are able to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of management of innovative and legal activities, which involves the application of management theory, management of innovative activities, innovative technologies and projects, legal support of innovative activities, acquisition of rights to objects intellectual property, scientific, technical and information activities, technology transfer based on management decision-making in conditions characterized by complexity and uncertainty.

Our graduates are prepared for all fields in which enterprises and organizations work. They can take a primary position of a specialist in IP, a manager - a marketer, a project manager and other positions related to activities in the field of IP and PM.

The teachers of the department conduct studies for Bachelor students (of other specialties), for which the following disciplines are taught: the basics of intellectual property and patent science, legal support for entrepreneurship and national security and others. For Master students (of other specialties), the following disciplines are taught: intellectual property, Internet and intellectual property rights, projection management and others.


Head of the Department of IP and PM - Vitaliy Petrenko,  phone: 067-710-38-19

Department phone: 066-728-62-07.
