At the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management a scientific seminar was held with the participation stakeholders of the department's educational programs on the topic of: INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION

The scientific seminar was attended by leading experts and scientists in metallurgy, project management and intellectual property Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (USUST)
(pictured from left to right, first row):
Gupalo Elena Vyacheslavovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor atUSUST,
Vereshchak Viktor Ivanovich, General Director of «KOSH» LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY,
Petrenko Vitaly Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management, USUST,
Gress Leonid Petrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor ofUSUST,
(pictured second row)
Pisarenko Vadim Yuryevich, head of the research department of State enterprise «Southern Design Bureau»,
Shvets Evgenia Sergeevna, senior lecturer at the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management atUSUST,
Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Karakash, Ph.D., Associate Professor atUSUST,
Chaika Leonid Alekseevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the research laboratory of the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy named Z.I. Nekrasov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Odinchenko Tatyana Nikolaevna, assistant at the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management atUSUST.
The following topical issues were discussed at the seminar:
1. Project for the development and construction of an air heater.
2. Effective use of fuel impurities for blast furnace blasting.
3. The use of thermal emissions in metallurgical production and the development of intellectual property in this area.
The materials of the scientific seminar are proposed for use in the educational process, which will ensure the updating of educational programs and improving the quality of education at the Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management and USUST.