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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Congratulations to employees of the Department of Intellectual Property!

  In 2014 there were two significant events at the Department of Intellectual Property: the department assistants Kovalchuk Daria and Irina Drach defended their Ph.D. dissertations.

  The decision of the Dissertation Council at Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky on awarding the scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences Kovalchuk Darya approved by order of MES from 04.07.2014 ? 792.

  The decision of the Dissertation Council at Lviv State University vital activity safety on awarding the degree of candidate of technical sciences Drach Irina approved by order of MES from 29.09.2014 ?1083.

  The team of intellectual property department welcomes his colleagues being awarded the degree of  Ph.D. and wishes them continued success, inspiration and discovery of new professional horizons.


Department of Intellectual Property and Project Management