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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Curriculum of the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages


Навчальний план 2016-2020.pdf (navchalniy_plan_2016-2020.pdf 1794 kb)

Curriculum of the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages(2017).pdf (navchalniy_plan_kafedri_perekladu_ta_inozemnih_mov.pdf 683 kb)

Навчальний план 2022-2026 денна.pdf (navchalniy_plan-pereklad_denna.pdf 198 kb)

navchalniy_plan_prikladna_lingvistika_denna.pdf (navchalniy_plan_prikladna_lingvistika_denna.pdf 216 kb)

Uplink: Educational and professional program in the speciality 035 Philology