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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

For enrollees

Dear boys and girls!

In the specialty 035 Philology, the Faculty trains students in two educational and professional programs of the first (bachelor's) level of education - "TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH" and  "APPLIED LINGUISTICS IN THE FIELD OF TRANSLATION".
Educational program "Translation from English" includes
- training of specialists in industry-specific translation from English and a second German language into Ukrainian, in particular in the fields of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, business economics and management in accordance with the needs of the labor market;
- employment prospects for positions of translator, foreign correspondent; positions of information and technical staff for bilingual communication and information; secretary-reference, public relations specialist in management bodies at production facilities, enterprises, advertising agencies, etc;
- the possibility of further study at the second (master's) level of higher education.

Main special disciplines: Practice of translation from English, Fundamentals of translation editing, Technical translation editing, Translation in the field of metallurgy, economics and management, Translation of business documents.

Educational program "Applied Linguistics in the Field of Translation" includes
- training of specialists in applied linguistics in the field of information and computer technologies and translation from English and a second German language into Ukrainian, capable of performing specialized information and linguistic tasks (automatic and machine translation), creating web design, using information and computer technologies and text information processing tools, and ensuring successful communication in English, German and Ukrainian. 
- Employment prospects as an applied linguist in the IT field, translator, web designer, machine translation post-editor; communication manager; positions of linguistic and information staff for bilingual communication in the IT field.

- the possibility of further study at the second (master's) level of higher education.
Major disciplines: Machine and Automatic Translation and Computer Editors in Linguistics, Computer Graphics and WEB Design, Multimedia Data Formats, Translation in Metallurgy, Economics and Management.

Our students take part in scientific conferences, competitions, All-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers, undergo translation practice at work, and work as volunteer translators at UTICamp translation conferences. Graduates majoring in 035 Philology successfully compete in the labor market in their specialty in Ukraine and abroad.



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