Partnership with UA Ruhr: Developing the Academic Potential of Ukraine
The year 2025 began with an important event for the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages. The Head of the Department, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Prutchykova V. V. became a member of the DniPRONrw partnership project with the Dnipro-Ruhr University Bochum (North Rhine-Westphalia). In the DniPRONrw project, our teachers will have access to digital courses from UA Ruhr's partner universities, can use and develop them, and students can credit courses from UA Ruhr as digital guest courses. Together with our German partners, we are discussing ways to use artificial intelligence and free software in the educational process. We also plan to exchange digital courses between Ukrainian universities participating in the project.
“As the core of a functioning education and research system, universities play a central role in Ukraine's recovery and development. Together with our partners at the Ruhr University Alliance, we want to make a forward-looking and sustainable contribution to supporting and expanding Ukraine's academic potential and actively support the rebuilding of the academic system,” said Professor Kornelia Freitag, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at the University of Ruhr.
Participation in the international events
Associate Professor of the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages Hanna Pronina, as part of a group of USUCT academic staff, actively participated in the events of the International Metallurgical Erasmus+ Staff Week project (September 23-27, 2024, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany) organized by the National Erasmus+ Agency for Higher Education and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The lecturer attended the presentations "Erasmus+ funding opportunities for Ukraine", "Erasmus+ Partner Day: Presentation of the Participating Universities", "Study Programs in Freiberg in the Field of Iron and Steel Making" and seminars "Scientific Writing: Techniques, Tips and Best Practices", and "Decarburization of European Steel Industry", visited the academy's laboratories, in particular the Laboratory of the Institute of Iron and Steel Technology, Laboratory of the Institute for Ceramics, Refractories and Composites. We express our deep gratitude to the management of the USUCT IPBT, and personally to Professor Olena Volkova and the teaching staff of TU Bergakademie Freiberg for their fruitful cooperation and support!
We sincerely congratulate our graduates on the successful defense of their qualification works!
We wish you all success and new achievements in your adult life!
Кафедра перекладу та іноземних мов Українського державного університету науки і технологій запрошує усіх зацікавлених у спеціальності Філологія (переклад) на День відкритих дверей факультету металургійних процесів та хімічних технологій
19 березня 2023, 11.00
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До уваги студентів магістратури
Шановні студенти! У таблиці нижче ви можете знайти контактні дані вашого викладача з предмету "Професійна іноземна лексика"
Предмет |
Викладач |
Групи |
Контакти |
Професiйна iноземна лексика |
Давидова Т.А. |
АВ01-18м КН01-18м КН02-18м КН03-18м КН04-18м ТЕ01-18м |
Громова О.П. |
ДІ01-18м МН01-18м МН03-18м ЕК01-18м ЕК02-18м ЕП01-18м ОА01-18м ФК01-18м |
Проніна Г.М. |
АП01-18м МЕ04-18м МЕ05-18м МЕ06-18м МЛ01-18м МЛ03-18м |
Google Classroom: Код класу 3cmgpep |
Шаркова Н.Ф. |
ІМ01-18м МБ01-18м МБ02-18м ЕО01-18м МЕ13-18м | Google Classroom Код класу: 5z3xak6
Піддубна Л.М. |
МВ01-18м МВ04-18м МЕ10-18м МВ05-18м МЕ07-18м СТ01-18м |
Google Classroom: Код класу eui6zch |
Абрамова О.В. |
ПР01-18м МЕ01-18м МЕ02-18м МЕ03-18м МЕ03-18мн МЛ01-18мн ХТ01-18м ХТ02-18м |
Google Classroom: Код класу g7va5em |
Throughout their study period, our students take an active part in national and international scientific and practical student conferences
28.11.2020 at 13:30 the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages of NMetAU invites school leavers and their parents to the Open Day, which will be held online. If you connect your future with the profession of a translator, then you come to us!
We are waiting for you at the online conference, which will take place on 28.11.2020 at 13:30 on the Zoom platform.
Conference link:
Conference code: npa9rX
Conference ID: 82925365122
You will receive information about the specialty of the translator, the conditions of admission, teachers, you can personally ask questions that interest you.
Detailed information about our department can be found at the link:
Svitlana Usenko (Window on America) and Oleksandra Myrgorodska (NMetAu) invite you to join English-Speaking Club Meeting in the premises of DONUB (Dnipro Regional Scientific Universal Library), Yavornitskogo 18, second level, room 19.
14.00 Warming up: Cybersecurity Presentation
14.30 Joe Morrison, our Australian volunteer, with a presentation on rare Australian animals.
15.00 Discussion on Cybersecurity with Shawn Robertson, our American volunteer
We invite you to a meeting of the conversation club
October 1, 2020
English Speaking Club
Topic “The Profession of a Translator: The Past and the Future”
9:45 – 11:05
11:30 – 12:50
13:00 – 14:20
Certificate of accreditation of the educational program
Congratulations to the staff of the Translation and Foreign Languages Department on successfully completing the accreditation of the educational programme "Translation from English"!
Links for remote accreditation of the educational-professional program "Translation from English" "
Day 1: ID29682 National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Time: June 11, 2020 9:00
Join the Zoom conference:
Conference ID: 797 9977 5172
Password: 2020
Day 2: ID29682 National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Time: June 12, 2020 9:30
Join the Zoom conference:
Conference ID: 792 4812 9667
Password: 2020
Open meeting with experts: ID29682 National Metallurgical Academy
Of Ukraine
Time: June 12, 2020 14: 00-14: 30
Join the Zoom conference:
Conference ID: 782 5196 2698
Password: 2020
Meeting InText representatives
Students of the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages met their fellow tradesmen – the representatives of the large company “InText", which is one of the leading translation companies in Ukraine. InText also hosts translation seminars and conferences, and our students received a bulk of useful information about the market of modern translation services in Ukraine from Stanislav Bogdanov and Oleksandra Horsun, and they learned about advanced developments used in the field of translation from the demonstration materials. It was an interesting and rewarding experience for the future translators!
Excursion to the "Interpipe Steel" factory
Visiting the Regional scientific library
Workshop on academic self-government
International Translation Day is an international day celebrated every year on 30 September on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint of translators. The celebrations have been promoted by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) ever since it was set up in 1953. In 1991 FIT launched the idea of an officially recognized International Translation Day to show solidarity of the worldwide translation community in an effort to promote the translation profession in different countries (not necessarily only in Christian ones). This is an opportunity to display pride in a profession that is becoming increasingly essential in the era of progressing globalization.
Our students of philology didn't miss the celebration either. We discussed the profession of a translator as well as the skills and qualities needed in this profession.
On September 30, 2019, at 14:30 a meeting of the English Speaking Club will be held.