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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Partnership with UA Ruhr: Developing the Academic Potential of Ukraine

The year 2025 began with an important event for the Department of Translation and Foreign Languages. The Head of the Department, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Prutchykova V. V. became a member of the DniPRONrw partnership project with the Dnipro-Ruhr University Bochum (North Rhine-Westphalia). In the DniPRONrw project, our teachers will have access to digital courses from UA Ruhr's partner universities, can use and develop them, and students can credit courses from UA Ruhr as digital guest courses. Together with our German partners, we are discussing ways to use artificial intelligence and free software in the educational process. We also plan to exchange digital courses between Ukrainian universities participating in the project. 
“As the core of a functioning education and research system, universities play a central role in Ukraine's recovery and development. Together with our partners at the Ruhr University Alliance, we want to make a forward-looking and sustainable contribution to supporting and expanding Ukraine's academic potential and actively support the rebuilding of the academic system,” said Professor Kornelia Freitag, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at the University of Ruhr.


Department of Translation and Foreign Languages