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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

August 27, 1856 was born Ivan Fragenko, a prominent Ukrainian writer, poet, publicist, translator, scholar, public and political figure. Doctor of Philosophy (1893), Full Member of Shevchenko Scientific Society, Honorary Doctor of Kharkiv University.

August 27, 1856 was born Ivan Fragenko, a prominent Ukrainian writer, poet, publicist, translator, scholar, public and political figure. Doctor of Philosophy (1893), Full Member of Shevchenko Scientific Society, Honorary Doctor of Kharkiv University.


       During his more than 40 years of creative activity, Franco has been extremely productive as an original writer (poet, novelist, playwright) and translator, literary critic and publicist, multifaceted scholar - literary, linguistic, translation and art historian, ethnologist, ethnologist , sociologist, political scientist, economist and philosopher. His creative work, written in Ukrainian (most texts), Polish, German, Russian, Bulgarian, Czech, has an estimated estimated number of thousands of works with a total volume of more than 100 volumes. In total, more than 220 editions, including more than 60 collections of his original and translated works of different genres, appeared in separate books and brochures throughout Frank's life. He was one of the first professional Ukrainian writers to earn a living in literary work.
