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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Educational work

In accordance with the order of USUNT dated September 16, 2024 No. 174 "On the approval of the "Plan of educational, organizational, educational and patriotic activities of USUNT for 2024-2025 AD" (view the plan of USUNT), the Nikopol faculty developed and approved the "Plan of educational, of organizational, educational and patriotic activities of the Nikopol Faculty for 2024-2025 AD" (view the NF plan), which outlines the main aspects of educational work at the faculty.

By Order No. 4 dated September 9, 2024, the dean of the National Academy of Sciences approved the establishment of groups of education seekers by teachers (supervisors). Each student group was assigned a teacher (curator) who will work with the assigned group(s) in accordance with the "Regulations on the Academic Group Curator at USUNT", approved by the decision of the Academic Council of USUNT dated 05/29/2024 No. 10 and introduced in acting by order of acting of the Rector dated 06/05/2024 No. 77.

Each of the curators has developed an individual work plan for the academic year, which provides for the main aspects of educational work with the student body, interaction with the heads of groups to implement the Plan of Educational, Organizational, Educational and Patriotic Activities of the Nikopol Faculty for 2024-2025. and participation in all educational activities provided for by the relevant university plan.