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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

EPP «International Economics» (second (master) level)

1. EPP-2019.

# “Innovative Development of Enterprise ”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Social Responsibility”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Global Economy”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Modern International Economics”: Methodical materials, TextbookLecture notes.
# “International Economic Development Strategies”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Management of International Competitiveness and Foreign Economic Activity”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes, Materials for individual tasks.
# “National economic systems”: Methodical materials.
# “International Business and Competition”: Methodical materials.
# “Change Management in International Business”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “State Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity”: Program of educational discipline.
# “Strategies for Human Resource Management in the Global Economy”: Program of educational discipline.
# “Institutional European Integration Development”: Program of educational discipline.
# “Pre-Diploma Practical Training”: Program of educational discipline, Methodical materials.
# “Master's Degree Thesis”: Methodical materials, Themes.

2. EPP-2020.

# “Innovative development of the enterprise”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Theory and methodology of modern international economy”: Methodical materials, TextbookLecture notes.
# “International Economic Development Strategies”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Management of International Competitiveness and Foreign Economic Activity”: Methodical materials, Lecture notesMaterials for individual tasks.
# “Global Economy and business”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Change Management in International Business”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “Social Responsibility”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “National economic systems”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “International Business and Competition”: Methodical materials, Lecture notes.
# “State Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity”: Syllabus.
# “Institutional European Integration Development”: Syllabus.
# “Pre-Diploma Practical Training”: Program of educational discipline, Methodical materials.
# “Master's Degree Thesis”: Methdiocal materials, Themes.

2. EPP-2022.

“Master's Degree Thesis”: Methdiocal materialsThemes.


met_dippractica-mags-2023_16062_pl_.pdf (met_dippractica-mags-2023_16062_pl_.pdf 2078 kb)

Uplink: Educational-methodical materials