Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines

Department manager: Tarasevych Victor, the member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine
Address Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines, SEI IIBT USUST, av. Gagarina, 4, Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine.
Phone: (+38)0969628841
Alternative homepage:
Department of international economy, political economy and governance (IEPEG) is the leading center of scientifically- methodological, scientifically-research and educator work in NMetAU. The department was founded in 1912 and to February of 2018 known under the name the "department of political economy". In 2018 the department began education of master's degrees, and in 2019 of bachelors per by specialization the "International economy" of speciality a 051 "Economy". Deep of theoretical and practical education was ensuring by the balanced curricula, high professional level of faculty advisors and perfect organization of educational process. The present collective of department of IEPEG consists of 7 highly skilled scientifically-pedagogical workers among that 3 persons are the doctors of economic sciences and professors; 1 person - candidate of economic sciences, professor; 3 persons - candidates of economic sciences, associate professors. All scientifically-pedagogical workers have scientific degrees per by profile speciality a 051 "Economy".
From 1994 the department is headed by the member-correspondent of NAS of Ukraine, doctor of economic sciences, professor Victor Tarasevich.
During of all history a department provides quality fundamental economic educations of students of all specialities, of levels of qualifying and of forms of education. In 2016 a department got status of issuing for Ph.D.s per by speciality a 051 "Economy". At the same time at the department is open the Doctoral per by corresponding speciality.
Teachers of the department form in students a systematic idea of the functioning of the modern economy and provide knowledge in the following disciplines:
- for bachelors: "Economic theory", "Modern political economy", "Modern economic theories", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "International economic relations", "National economy", "State regulation of economy", "State and regional management","Social economy","International economy", "Economics, business and management".
- for masters: "Global еconomy", "National еconomy", "National еconomy and intellectual property", "Change management", "Management of international competitiveness", "Social responsibility", "Innovative enterprise development", " Sustainable development in industry and industrial safety ".
- for bachelors of international economists: "Modern political economy", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "National economy of Ukraine", "Social economy", "International trade and World markets", "International organizations", "State regulation of the economy" , "International business", "History of economics and economic thought", "Currency transactions and currency settlements in the International economy", "International economics", "International economic activity of Ukraine","European economic integration".
- for masters of international economists: "Innovative Development of Enterprise", "Theory and Methodology of Modern International Economy", "International Economic Development Strategies", "Management of International Competitiveness and Foreign Economic Activity", "Change Management in International Business", "Global Economy and Business", "National Economic Systems", "International Business and Competition","State Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity","Institutional European Integration Development", "Sustainable Development in the Industries and Safety of Production".
The process of teaching of the marked disciplines was secured by literature that is in the library of academy and at scientifically-methodical cabinet of the department. In his funds are the newest textbooks and practicums, monographs of leading scientists, various economic magazines.
Scientific interests of the department focus on the civilization-national and innovative measuring of evolution of the open economic systems in the conditions of globalization and eurointegration of Ukraine. In different years the researches was fulfilled within the limits of the government budget SRW: "Research of conditions and institutes of innovative dynamics of national economy in the conditions of globalization", "Research of dynamics of national economy of Ukraine and her factors", "National economy in the conditions of European integration". From 2019 SRW is fulfilled a themes: the "Innovative mechanisms of development of national economy in the conditions of European integration" and "Strategy of vanguards' of national economy and her innovative management in the conditions of global competition"(all with the corresponding numbers of government registration).
The decennial a results of scientific and scientifically-methodical activities of the teachers of department was reflected in a 31 monograph, 6 articles in editions that is included in bases of the Scopus and the Web of Sсіеnсе, 154 articles in professional editions, 9 textbooks, 11 train releases, many theses of lectures and scientifically-methodical elaborations. By teachers and graduate students of department were successfully protected a 4 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations per by speciality a 051 "Economics".
Per by initiative the department in 2015 was begun publication of electronic of scientific magazine of "Problems of economy and political economy", that in 2017 assigned the status professional into the area of knowledge of "economic sciences" and was annotated in the scientific database of the Indеx Copernicus.
The high level of education of international economists is guaranteed the presence of collective of highly skilled scientifically-pedagogical workers of department, maintenance and methodology of educational process, that answer modern requirements, modern educational literature and methodical releases.
The Section of Philosophy, Political Science and History (the former Department of Philosophy and Political Science) belongs to the Department of International Economics and Social-Humanitarian Disciplines. The Section plays a crucial role in providing general social science and social-humanitarian training for students of all levels and forms of education at the Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies of Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies.
Currently, the academic staff of the section includes 6 highly qualified members: one professor, doctor of political sciences, four candidates of sciences (three of whom are associate professors), and a senior lecturer.
Among the academic disciplines taught are Philosophy, Political Science, History, Philosophy of Science, History of Ukrainian Culture, Applied Political Science, Religious Studies, Logic, Ethics and Aesthetics, and others that are part of educational programs for all levels and forms of education (bachelor's level, master's level, doctorate level). The leading professors are directly involved in the scientific supervision and training of Doctors of Philosophy in the specialty 033 – Philosophy.
Areas of research interest of the section members include: philosophy of science and technology, futurology, transhumanism; theoretical foundations and realities of political conflicts and forms of political struggle in the modern political process; historical aspects, topical issues and prospects of development of philosophy of culture and religion; principles of interaction between central and local authorities in the context of Ukrainian democratization; history of the Roman Catholic community and the Polish national minority of Dnipro; research of ecogenesis, historical and ecological environment.
The professors of the section are fruitfully working on improving teaching methods and updating educational material.
Location: 49600, Dnipro, Haharina Ave. 4, room 483.