Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

For entrants

Dear entrant!

 You have a very difficult and responsible task - you have to choose a future profession that will accompany you throughout life, will bring you not only job satisfaction, but also money for your family. Having mastered it, you will receive a wide field of activity, space for creativity and an opportunity for further self-improvement. It will allow you to bring practical benefits to society and provide for your family.

 OPP "International Economics" at USUST is a modern training program for bachelors and masters, which meets international and European standards and allows you to train highly qualified international economists who are needed and in demand in the labor market. This is one of the most interesting and complex professions, which combines two - an economist and an international, which provides an opportunity to find a job in the labor market.

 The Department of International Economics, Political Economy and Management of USUST gives first-year students the opportunity to develop relevant skills: computer literacy, communication and analytical skills, leadership and critical thinking, creativity, set goals and achieve them, solve the most difficult life and economic problems.

 We use modern learning technologies, conduct many trainings, master classes, business games for students, on which these skills are formed, use on-line training, learn to work in a team and solve current economic problems.

 Our department with joy and hospitality opens its doors for you, will be your second home, where you will receive the necessary help and support, have fun and useful free time, gain thorough economic knowledge and skills to solve economic problems.

 We are waiting for you and hope for fruitful cooperation and your active position during the interesting student life at USUST!


The content of the bachelor's degree program "International Economics" can be found at:

You can get acquainted with the content of the master's educational-professional program "International Economics" at the link:

You can get acquainted with the rules of admission to USUST in 2022 by the link:

Our teachers:

Our graduate (stakeholder) - Savchuk Stanislav Valerievich:


Presentation-2022: SPP "International economics":


Tuition fee:



Questionnaire of enrollee (questionnaire.docx 25 kb)

Privileges for persons with the status of "partakers in militant operations" (international_economics_privileged_terms_of_entry_.docx 67 kb)

Letter for applicants (list_abiturientam_mek.pdf 555 kb)

A request for courses of training (zajava_kurs_pidgotovki_mek.doc 37 kb)