Choosing a future profession is a crucial step in the life of every young person. Sometimes a meeting with specialists who, revealing the content and significance of a certain field of knowledge and specialty, provide important guidelines and arouse interest in it is of decisive importance. One of such meetings can be considered, without exaggeration, the Open Day of the Department of International Economics and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines in an online format for graduates of ten schools of the Verkhnyodniprovskyi district, which took place on November 26. The graduates showed great interest in getting acquainted with our university, the Metallurgical Institute, the Faculty of Economics and Management, as well as the department and one of the most prestigious and promising educational and professional programs in Ukraine - "International Economics". V.M. made a detailed report. Tarasevich - Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine. He sincerely thanked the organizers of the meeting and emphasized the importance of the competencies provided by this program for the personal success of a bachelor or master, increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises and the economy of Ukraine as a whole in international markets, and emphasized the relevance for students of acquiring two specialties in order to be confident in the future. The meeting was attended by the teachers of the department A.V. Savych, V.K. Lebedeva, D.K. Kovalchuk, I.O. Tsurkanova. At the end of the event, students and teachers thanked the teachers of the department for an interesting conversation. It was agreed to hold further meetings in order to familiarize graduates with the educational and professional program "International Economics" and the conditions for admission to our university in more detail.
Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines