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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

A person is alive as long as his memory is alive...

Today, August 7, 2021, Alexander Ilyich Mikhalev would have turned 70 years old.

Everyone who knew Alexander Ilyich will confirm that he was a wonderful person, an interesting conversationalist, a companionable friend.

He was always appreciated for his wisdom, modesty, kindness and humanity. He knew how to be friends, get along with completely different people. He knew how to enjoy life.

Everyone who worked with Alexander Ilyich will certainly say that he was a real professional. He knew exactly what to do and demanded it from the others. Sometimes he did the impossible and managed to do everything and everywhere.

Probably, there were no questions that would not interest him, and it is difficult to imagine if there was something that he did not know how.

While a person is alive, you communicate as if there is an eternity ahead. It seems that now the door will open, he will enter the pulpit, charging everyone with his positive energy. But we only have to remember with the kind words of a kind person.

Alexander Ilyich, your memory is alive. And the memory of the past creates the future ...


The staff of the Department of Information Technologies and Systems



Department of information technology and systems