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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Consortia of universities: ensuring sustainable development of higher education institutions of Ukraine and their competitiveness"

All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Consortia of universities: ensuring sustainable development of higher education institutions of Ukraine and their competitiveness"

On October 20-21, the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Consortia of Universities: Ensuring the Development of Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine and Their Competitiveness" took place in a distance format using the Zoom environment. About thirty higher educational institutions, academic institutes, professional colleges took part in the conference. The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine was presented by 8 reports.

Significant attention during the reports was paid to the implementation of the Erasmus + project «Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs» (EDUQAS) at the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (see and, its impact on improving the quality of educational activities. During the discussion, a lot of valuable advices were received from colleagues from other HEIs for improving the internal quality assurance system of educational activities.


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