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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Yaglinsky V.P. – d.t.s., prof., Dep. manager, Odessa National Polytechnic University.


Yaglinsky Viktor P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

Head of the Department of Hoisting and Transport and Robotics Equipment of the Odessa national Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine


Education, scientific degrees and titles.

In 1963 he graduated from Odessa Polytechnic Institute. In 1970 he defended his PhD thesis devoted to the study of stress-strain state of steel ropes with non-circular strands. From 1965 to 1970 he worked as an assistant Professor of strength of materials Odessa national Polytechnic University. From 1970 to 1995 he worked as senior lecturer, associate Professor, head of Department "Theoretical mechanics" ONPU. From 1995 to 2016 worked as an associate Professor in the Department of mechanical engineering and machine components. In 2012 he defended his doctoral thesis on the specialty 05.02.02 – "Science of machines" on the topic of "a Systematic methodology to improve the technical level of industrial robots and platforms," and in 2014 he received the certificate of Professor of the Department "Theory of machines and machine parts". In 2016 – the Head of the Department of Hoisting and Transport and Robotics Equipment of ONPU.

Scientific activity.

The main scientific direction – Raising the technical level and quality of technological equipment on the basis of mechanisms of parallel kinematics, improve its operational characteristics (performance, power consumption, maneuverability, speed, vibration resistance, reliability, etc.).

Professor Yaglinsky V. P. is the founder and scientific Director of the Scientific-production enterprise "Odessa Institute of labour protection", from 1970 work as an expert for the investigation of accidents and accidents at production facilities of increased danger, is the Chairman of the Odessa independent Association of specialists of labor protection. Maintains close scientific and technical cooperation with leading universities of Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Spain, Irag, China. Professor V.P. Yaglinsky is a Academician of the Hoisting and Transport Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Professor V. P. Yaglinsky is a member of specialized councils for defending candidate and doctoral dissertations, a member of the editorial boards, boards of several professional scientific journals, programme committees of international scientific conferences. It has over 350 print publications, including – 8 monographs, 12 textbooks and manuals.

Uplink: Program Committee Members