Scientific activities
The main trends of the scientific studies:
- theoretical bases of applied mechanic as independent field of classical mechanic;
- development of principally new designs of roller portage for the shaped profile rolling cages cold sheet and bands rolling;
- the improvement of pressing equipment for utilization of the secondary ferrous metals;
- the study, development, implementation the machines of metallurgical production of the periodic action;
- development of anticorrosive covering;
- the improvement of saw disks design;
- the study of the structure and dynamic of metallurgical machines; increasing of reliability and accuracy of the processing railway travels on special carrousel tool;
- the study of the process of the steel sheet seizure by clutching mechanism, development seizure for steel sheets, metal constructions and line of the muffs processing; the study and increasing of reliability of machines design;
- the study of the equipment and technologists of the processing the reconstruction wheel pair;
- investigation of cold pilger rolling.