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Dnipro Metallurgical Institute
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Dmitriyev D.О. – d.t.s., prof., KNTU.


Dmitriev Dmitro Oleksiyovich

doctor of technical sciences, professor of Department the transport systems and technical service of the Kherson National Technical University.


In 1996 graduated (with honor) from Kherson NTU. Speciality - mechanical engineering technology.

Presenteded PhD thesis on topic “The providing of quality of processing of longer parts by surface plastic deformation with using technological lubricant, including polymeric additions” in 2003 in specialized scientific Council d 26.002.11.

In 2008 received the title of associate professor in the Department of technology of mechanical engineering.

In 2012 presenteded doctoral thesis on specialty 05.03.01-processes, machining, machines and tools on topic “The scientific principles of configurations of machine-tools with the mechanisms of parallel structure” in the same scientific Council.

Have been working as professor in Kherson NTU since 2014.

Acts as guarantor of the educational science programme for licensed specialty 132-material in Kherson NTU to prepare doctors of philosophy. Currently works as sciense director on two post-graduate students.

Scientific interests – theory of technological equipment, componetics, process design, management and operation of the machine-tools frame configurations with parallel structure mechanisms.

Published more than 100 scientific papers, among them, 2 monographs, more than 10 publications abroad, 1 article indexed in Scopus. Author of more than 30 patents (inventions, utility models, industrial designs and etc).

In 2015 was awarded with a grant of the President of Ukraine as young scientist for scientific research “The componetic theory of frame structure systems of industrial and technological equipment and new generation machine-tools for various industries”.


Uplink: Program Committee Members