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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

School-book "Social responsibility" is the object of intellectual ownership!

School-book "Social responsibility" is the object of intellectual ownership!

In December, 2019 the teachers of department of IEPEG was appropriated an authorial certificate on school-book "Social responsibility". - Dnipro: PME "Economy", 2018, - 204 p.


 Certificate on registration of authorship rights on intellectual product is 94632 from 10.12.2019. Authorship rights on ownership belong to Tarasevych Victor, Alsufjeva Olena, Lebedeva Valentyna, Leonidov Igor, Letucha Oleksandra, Semeniuk Evgen, Zolotaryova Olga, Tkachenko Natalia.

Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines