Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The first steps on the scientific path.

The first steps on the scientific path.

 On October 8, 2019, with the participation of first-year students of the Faculty of Economics and Management, a joint meeting of student scientific groups of the department was held.

Students life

 At the meeting, students got acquainted with the leading areas of modern scientific research in the field of international economics, topics and results of scientific developments of the Department of Economics and Economics, received comprehensive information about the benefits, possible directions and forms of their participation in research work. Particular attention during the speech of the head of the department, Doctor of Economics, prof. Tarasevich V.N. It was devoted to the ethics of scientific research, the fundamentals of the policy of maintaining academic integrity, in particular to the procedures for preventing and countering plagiarism.

Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines