Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

A textbook went out from printing "Philosophy and methodology of economic science".

A textbook went out from printing "Philosophy and methodology of economic science".

Next textbook was published: "Philosophy and methodology of economic science: textbook /Ed. V.N. Tarasevich.- Dnipro: PSI "Economy", 2019.- 160 с. ISBN 978-966-2637-59-5"


In a textbook was shown the problems of philosophy and methodology of economic science as educational discipline for the graduate students of speciality 051 - Economy. Fundamental for economic science philosophical-methodological ideas and conceptions are described, their evolution and gnosiological role in modern conditions. The special themes are sanctified to exposition of range of problems of subject space of discipline, him ontological, gnosiological, axiology and praxiology components. Attention is accented on methodology and methods of scientific methodological researches, practical application of economic theories and conceptions.
For graduate students, scientists, teachers and all, who have interest at modern problems of economic science.

Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines