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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The fifth number of scientific economic electronic magazine was published

The fifth number of scientific economic electronic magazine was published

Magazine of "Problems of economy and political economy " is included
in the index database of library by name of Vernadskyi. The magazine
is included to the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine
(science areas are economic) in accordance with a fiat of Ministry of
education and science Ukraine № 374 from 17.03.2017.


Content of magazine per 2017, № 2:
Kolot A. M., Herasymenko O. O. [Concept of decent work as a
theoretical and applicable platform for development of social and
labour area] 7
Leonidov I. L. [Ownership and appropriation as foundation of
innovative development] 56
Smіesova V. L. [The main stages in the development of the theory of
economic interests] 65
Shulga O. A. [Effectiveness of the agricultural policy of Ukrainian
governments in respect of supervisors in the agrarian relations
system] 86
Kalinovskyi R. O. [Budget balancing in the state stabilization policy
context] 112
Lypov V. V. [Factors of flexible integration as to means of
strengthening of institutional complementarity of integrations unions]
Lebedeva V. K. [National scientific, technical and educational
politics in the European integration conditions] 142
Fedotova T. A. [Classification and criterion signs of non-standard
forms of employment] 152
Dovbnya S. B., Pysmenna О. O. [HR strategy: current content and
classification of its types] 162
Kiriliuk V. S., Prokha L. M. [An integrated approach to assessing
eco-economic efficiency] 175
Korol G. O., Yeryomina O. L., Bezgodkova A. O., Brakarenko V. O.
[Organizing preparation of an annual budget report by an institution
using a network graph model] 185
Lisovenko М. M., Pidhorna K. D. [Modern approaches to managing the
business network of the enterprise] 199
Viktorov V. V. [Experimental approbation of improved automated
decision support system on the example of the fundamental analysis of
exchange market trade] 209

Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines