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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

On October, 19-20 in 2017 the Allukrainian scientifically-practical conference was conducted the «National economy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration».

On October, 19-20 in 2017 the Allukrainian scientifically-practical conference was conducted the «National economy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration».

On a conference 270 reports from participators: from other areas of Ukraine - 178; from other cities of Ukraine - 178; from other countries - 2. From NMetAU  participating in a conference accepted 60 reporters, from them students -  45 and young scientists -  11.


Electronic publications "Program of scientific conference the «National economy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration»" and "Materials of scientific conference the «National economy of Ukraine in the conditions of European integration»" was placed on the site of the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine.


Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines