Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

The department of political economy of NMetAU became inter-organizer of the IV International scientific-practical conference an "MODERNISATION of MANAGEMENT NATIONAL ECONOMY" on November, 24-25, 2016.

The department of political economy of NMetAU became inter-organizer of the  IV International scientific-practical conference an  "MODERNISATION of MANAGEMENT NATIONAL ECONOMY" on November, 24-25, 2016.

A conference took place in Kyiv on the base of department of macroeconomics and government administration of GHSI the "Kyiv national economic university of the name of Vadym Get'man".


The department of political economy was presented in the organizing committee of conference and on the plenary meeting - by the lecture of d.s., professor, manager of department of political economy Victora Mykolaevicha TARASEVICHA and ph.d., associate professor Ihora Leonidovicha LEONIDOVA the "Government ownership and modernisation of government management a national economy".

Department of international economics and social-humanitarian disciplines