Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Cluster monitoring event on digitization and innovation for social development - webinar "European integration: ensuring sustainable development of higher education and society in Ukraine"



     Boosting the role of HEls in the industrial transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine – HEIn4 609939‐EPP‐1‐2019‐1‐BE‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐JP


      On July 25, 2023, a cluster event on digitization and innovation for social development took place - the online webinar "European Integration: ensuring sustainable development of higher education and society in Ukraine." The organizers of the event were the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine and the National Experts on Higher Education Reform of the EU Erasmus+ Program together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

During the webinar, the results of 8 international projects, the participants of which are universities of Ukraine, were presented. Among them is the project "Boosting the role of HEIs in the industrial transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine" (609939-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP-HEIn4), in which the national coordinator is the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (;

The representative of the Ukrainian State University, associate professor of the Department of E ...


Three-day training "Lean management and Industry 4.0 - two complementary approaches" within the framework of the HEIn4 project News icon


Boosting the role of HEls in the industrial transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine – HEIn4 609939‐EPP‐1‐2019‐1‐BE‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐JP

As part of the implementation of the project "Boosting the role of HEls in the industrial transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine – HEIn4" 609939-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP employees of leading departments of the Ukrainian state university of science and technologies such as electrometallurgy, technology mechanical engineering, automation of production processes and economics and management took part in the three-day seminar "Lean production and Industry 4.0 - two complementary approaches" which was held from 04.07.23 to 06.07.23 in Kyiv based on the industrial partner of the project "Festo Ukraine".


The master students of the Department of Electrometallurgy Oleg Bludenko and Vitalii Portnyi were awarded the honors of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine! News icon

Master's students of the Department of Electrometallurgy Oleg Bludenko and Vitaly Portnyi were awarded the honors of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine!

According to the results of the competition of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists and students of higher educational institutions, master's students-electrometallurgists were awarded the honors of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

Master's student Oleg BLUDENKO (scientific supervisor, Doctor of Science, Prof. Volodymyr GLADKYH) - Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for students of higher educational institutions;
Master's student Vitaly PORTNY (scientific supervisor, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Oleksandr ZHADANOS) - Certificate of honor of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for students of higher educational institutions.
Congratulations to the winners and their supervisors. We wish them further fruitful scientific work.


Запрошуємо на День професії кафедри Електрометалургії ім. акад. М.І. Гасика 28 травня 2022 року о 14:30


Запрошуємо на День професії кафедри Електрометалургії ім. акад. М.І. Гасика

28 травня 2022 року о 14:30

Підключитися до конференції Zoom

Ідентифікатор конференції: 856 3747 4652 Код доступу: 280522


Важка втрата News icon

З великим сумом повідомляємо, що 27.01.2022 на 77 році пішов з життя старший викладач кафедри електрометалургії ПОЛЯКОВ ГЕОРГІЙ АНАТОЛЬОВИЧ, добра, порядна, світла та чуйна людина. Світла пам'ять про Георгія Анатолійовича назавжди залишиться в наших серцях. 

Прощання з Георгієм Анатолійовичем відбудеться 28.01.22 о 12.00 за адресом: вул. Братів Трофімових 4, корп. 3.


Congratulations to the student of group ME06-16-M of the Department of Electrometallurgy PALASH Bohdan News icon

Congratulations to the student of group ME06-16-M of the Department of Electrometallurgy PALASH Bohdan

who took the third place in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty 136 "Metallurgy"

with the work "PHYSICO-CHEMICAL RESEARCH OF PROCESSES OF OBTAINING ESPECIALLY PURE ZIRCONIUM", which was performed under the direction of Polyakov Georgyю


Важка втрата News icon

З великим сумом сповіщаємо, що 05.01.2021 на 92 році пішов з життя ГАСИК МИХАЙЛО ІВАНОВИЧ, видатний вчений-електрометалург, академік Національної академії наук України, доктор технічних наук, професор, тричі лауреат державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, заслужений діяч науки і техніки України.

Світла пам'ять про Михайла Івановича назавжди залишиться в наших серцях, а його досягнення знайдуть достойне продовження в його учнях.


The schedule of distance consultations of teachers at the department of electrometallurgy during quarantine

Увага студентам.

На період дії карантину (12.03.20-03.04.20) заняття відбуваються у режимі дистанційних консультацій за розкладом, що наведений у розділі "Дистанційне навчання"



Сongratulations to the hero of the day News icon

30 червня 2019 року виповнилося 90 років Заслуженому діячеві науки і техніки України, академіку Національної Академії Наук України, академіку Академії наук Вищої школи України, тричі лауреату державної премії України, лауреату премії Ради Міністрів СРСР, лауреату премії АН ВШ України, лауреату трьох іменних премій НАН України, доктору технічних наук, професору Гасика Михайлу Івановичу. 

Михайло Іванович очолює кафедру з 1973 року. Є засновником електрометалургійного факультету, який очолював з 1978 по 1986 рік. Підготував 14 докторів і 56 кандидатів технічних наук. 

Колектив кафедри електрометалургії щиро вітає свого керівника з Днем народження!!! Бажає щастя, міцного здоров'я і подальших творчих успіхів.


Первинна акредитаційна експертиза освітньо-професійних програм «Електрометалургія сталі і феросплавів», «Спеціальна металургія», «Металургія кольорових металів» News icon

У відповідності з наказом Міністерства Освіти і Науки України №103-л від 22 січня 2019 року з 06 лютого на кафедрі електрометалургії розпочали працювати експертні комісії з акредитації освітньо-професійних професійних програм другого (магістерського) вищої освіти: "Електрометалургія сталі і феросплавів", "Спеціальна металургія", "Металургія кольорових металів".

Комісії працюють в наступному складі:

1. З акредитації освітньо-професійних програм "Електрометалургія сталі і феросплавів", "Спеціальна металургія": 

  • Голова комісії - Михаленков Костянтин Вікторович, виконуючий обов’язки завідувача кафедри фізико-хімічних основ технології металів Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», доктор технічних наук, професор.
  • Члени комісії: Цивірко Едуард Іванович, професор кафедри машин і технології ливарного виробництва Запорізького національного технічного університету, доктор технічних наук, професор; Руських Володимир Петрович, завідувач кафедри металургії чорних металів Державного вищого навчального закладу «Приазовський державний технічний університет», кандидат технічних наук, доцент. 

2. З акредитації освітньо-професійних програм "Металургія кольорових металів": 

  • Голова комісії - Овчинников Олександр Володимирович, завідувач кафедри обладнання та технології зварювального виробництва Запорізького національного технічного університету, доктор технічних наук, професор.
  • Член комісії: Aфтанділянц Євгеній Григорович, завідувач кафедри  технології конструкційних матеріалів і матеріалознавства Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування, доктор технічних наук, професор

Термін роботи комісії 6-8 лютого 2019 року.



Monitoring of implementation of Erasmus + EDUQAS project «Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs» News icon

On October 11, 2018, at the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, it was held the monitoring of implementation of the Erasmus+ project "Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs" (EDUQAS). Monitoring event was attended by representatives of all Ukrainian universities - partners, as well as a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

This event is usually carried out by the National Erasmus+ office in the second year of Erasmus+ project implementation in order to monitor the project implementation plan, identify achievements and gaps, and provide critical remarks and recommendations for achieving the objectives of the projects.


Study visit to the Royal Institute of Technology within the EDUQAS project News icon

On september 10-14, representatives of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine: vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, professor Shatoka V.I, associate professor of department of electrometallurgy Zhadanos O.V. and the head of the international relations office Petrenko A.L participated in trainings on the basis of the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) within the framework of the Erasmus + project "Implementation of Education Quality Assurance system via cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs" (EDUQAS). At these events, NMetAU representatives, together with colleagues from the partner institutions of higher education in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, studied Swedish experience in providing and assessing the quality of education.


The main results and achievements of International PICASA project News icon

PICASA is a TEMPUS project funded by the European Union, active in Armenia, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine. PICASA was created to promote recognition of Eastern Neighboring Area HE systems through development and integration of internationalization dimensions into structural and cultural components of HEIs management. 


International educational seminar «Internationalization of Higher Education: experience of EU Tempus PICASA and UNIVIA projects» News icon

On 21 of December 2016 Senior Project Manager of IRO (NMAU) Iryna Sorokina took part in the seminar “Internationalization of Higher Education: experience of EU Tempus PICASA and UNIVIA projects” organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.



Strengthening the partnerships of young scientists between National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and universities in the republic of Belarus within the international projects News icon

The young scientists of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine actively participate in international projects, developing and strengthening cooperation with foreign institutions of higher education partners. So within the framework of the international project CERES «Centres of Excellence for young RESearchers», which co-founded by the Tempus program of the European Union, at the invitation of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics (BSUIR), on December 2, 2015 in Minsk young scientists of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, the associate professor at the Department of electrometallurgy Zhadanos Oleksandr and assistant at the department of technological design Konstiantyn Bilan read a lecture to students of the university.


International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Youth in Science-2015" News icon

On December 03.12.2015 during the Young Eurasian Scientist Forum in Minsk was held the International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Youth in science-2015". The event gathered more than 400 participants from Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, European Union and other contries. Ukrainian delegation included representatives of the Council of Young Scientists of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine: Bilan Kostiantyn, Ganna Trofymenko, Zhadanos  Oleksandr and Iryna Sorokina that were involved in conference in a frame of international project CERES «Centres of Excellence for young  RESearchers», which co-founded by the Tempus program of the European Union, in the sections “Physics and Mathematics”, “Information Technology” and “Material Science”. During the Conference, delegates were able to meet with welcoming capital, colleagues and local major universities. 


The 90th anniversary of organization the department of electrometallurgy NMetAU News icon

The First Department of electrometallurgy in system of higher education was organized in 1925 as part of the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute.
The initiator and head of the department was the assistant professor of metallurgy in Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute, a graduate of the Faculty of Metallurgy Ekaterinoslav Mining Institute Stepan Telny, who spent a lot of effort and energy to attach to the establishment and development of the department as an incubator for young electrometallurgical industry.
Since 1930, the Department of electrometallurgy in organized in the same year the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. In the period 1930 - 1941 years the head of department S.I. Telny and Associate professor S.I. Hitrik with the creative team of the department created a base for teaching and research. Combining the post of Director of Research and Head DMetI S.I.Telny created a scientific school and led the entire research work of the Institute.
Staff of the department in creative collaboration with experts of steel plant, research and design institutes has published 54 monographs, 16 textbooks, including those published in the United States, China, Russia. Author of the monograph were awarded prizes named after outstanding scientists, metallurgists, academics NAS: Paton, Z.I.Nekrasov, N.N.Dobrohotov.
Its anniversary - the 90th anniversary of foundation, the staff of the Department electrometallurgy meets new editions of monographs and books, scientific articles and obtaining patents.
There are two master specializations at the department - "Electrometallurgy steel and ferroalloys" and "Non-Ferrous Metallurgy"
Despite the complicated logistics of the training process and the implementation of research projects, staff of the department of electrometallurgy aimed at strengthening the entire multifaceted activities in the field of training of masters, graduate students, doctors and solving important problems of the country electrometallurgical industry.


M.I Gasik, Doctor. of tehn. Sciences, prof., academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department electrometallurgy NMetAU


The International research and practice conference MODERN METALLURGY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS News icon

From 9 to 11 of December 2015 was held the International Scientific and Practical Conference MODERN METALLURGY: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. The conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of the department of electrometallurgy in National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.

The purpose of the conference - to discuss the current state of the steel industry, to generalize of perspective directions and their development, the integration of common knowledges into the electrometallurgical production, combining scientific and practical directions of metallurgical industry.

The conference procedings posted on the web-page at the Department of electrometallurgy NMetAU ( ) and published in separate book.


YES-І Eurasian Forum of Young Scientists News icon

YES - with this slogan in Belarus in National academy of Sciences was hosted the First European Forum of Young Scientists. From 1 to 4 December, 2015 the young scientists from Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Armenia defended their scientific work, claimed in the form of projects. Presented to the participation projects have a practical orientation and aimed at solving urgent problems for the member countries of the Forum.

In the frame of CERES project, which funded with support from the European Commission, young scientists from countries of the project partners were given the opportunity to become members of the Forum and the XII International scientific and practical conference "Youth in Science - 2015". Representatives of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, the National Transport University (Ukraine), experimental production of "Radium" (Ukraine), the University of Zilina (Slovakia), Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics, Gomel State University. Skaryna (Belarus) and Brest State Technical University (Belarus) took part in the Forum and the Conference as participants.


The internationalization of higher education with the PICASA project News icon

In the period from 19 to 20 November 2015 at the Yerevan State University (Yerevan, Armenia) in the frame of PICASA project, which funded with support from the European Commission,  the International Conference "The internationalization of higher education" was held with great success. Participants included representatives of universities - partners of the project PICASA, who shared their experience into implementing the process of internationalization at their institutions, building a strategy for international cooperation within the framework of international offices, areas of mobility of students and scholars, and etc.
