Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies


The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment have published important information for entrants to higher education institutions in 2022. It is noted that persons who managed to register for the EIT (created a registration card and gave it to the head of the educational institution or sent it to the relevant regional center for educational quality assessment) are considered registered to take the entrance exams. For those who have not yet registered to participate in the external evaluation, it is suggested to get acquainted with the algorithm of actions for registration for participation in the entrance examinations-2022. It is also noted that the "Procedure for enrollment in higher education institutions in 2022", which will describe in detail the process of admission to universities, is being developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and will be published later.




The Verkhovna Rada has simplified admission to universities in 2022

On March 24, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted Bill №7132 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine in the Field of Education", which, in particular, provides for the following:

- graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year are exempted from passing the state final certification;
- Admission to higher education institutions this year will take place under a simplified mechanism without the use of the results of external independent assessment, a single entrance exam and a single professional entrance test.

Comments to the bill state that "... the admission campaign to Ukrainian universities this year will not be canceled, but will follow a special procedure, which is currently being developed by the Committee on Education and Science together with the Ministry of Education and Science." It is emphasized that "... it will be a simple, clear, and most importantly - a transparent mechanism for admission ..." with a clear plan of action for applicants.


Regarding state guarantees in martial law, state of emergency or state of emergency

President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law (registration number №7133) "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning State Guarantees in Conditions of Martial Law, Emergency or State of Emergency".

According to the document, pupils and students are guaranteed to organize the educational process remotely or in any other form that is safest. They are also guaranteed the payment of scholarships and other benefits provided by law and more. Employees of educational, educational and research institutions are guaranteed by law to retain their jobs and average earnings.

Source: official web portal of the Parliament of Ukraine



The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reports that on March 16, 2022, the government adopted the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "295" On the peculiarities of accreditation of educational programs for higher education in martial law. " According to the Resolution, the validity of accreditation certificates of higher education institutions has been extended, and the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is temporarily allowed to accredit educational programs that train higher education students remotely and remotely decide on conditional deferred) accreditation of educational programs without conducting or with partial conducting of accreditation examination without payment of the cost of accreditation by the institution of higher education.

Detailed information: on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, on the Government Trawl (text of the Resolution).



The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reports that on March 12, 2022, the Union of Rectors of Ukraine made important decisions regarding the situation in higher education and the participation of its representatives in state defense during martial law.

According to the approved decision, the priority tasks of the Union are:

- support for the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science on the abolition of the STA, EIT in secondary school, simplification of admission to the master's degree in 2022, the abolition of graduation from medical universities under the "Step" system;
- giving universities the right to set their own tuition fees (if necessary);
- appeals to the government to increase the number of public procurement places by 30% for 2022 entrants, especially for entrants from the most affected areas.
More details (website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)


First foreign patent

Employees of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor of Department of Material Science and Heat Treatment of Metals Perchun G.I. and Head of the Department of IP Ivchenko O.V. together with colleagues received a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for «Method for testing metal rods for alternating bending»,

№6905 from 25.02.2022.
Congratulations to the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology on its first patent. Congratulations to the authors with new achievements!



The Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet said in his Telegram channel that "... having joined forces with the Committee on Education, Science and Innovation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the educational and parent communities come up with a proposal to change the algorithms for state final certification. for 11th grade students and admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2022 ". According to the report, it is proposed to abolish the state final attestation (STA), external independent assessment (EIA), unified entrance exam (EMI) and unified professional entrance exam (EPI) as a competitive criterion for access to educational services. Serhiy Shkarlet also noted that the abolition of external evaluation is necessary today to preserve the student body, national intellectual potential, incentives to study in Ukraine, even in such a difficult time for our country and society.

Source: official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція «Інформаційні технології в металургії та машинобудуванні – ІТММ’2022

Шановні колеги, у зв’язку із збройною агресією Росії проти України,
термін проведення 
Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції
"Інформаційні технології в металургії та машинобудуванні – ІТММ’2022" 
перенесений на невизначений термін.

Матеріали доповідей та статті приймаються до 13 березня 2022 року.


Слава Україні!


Regional scientific seminar News icon

Scientific Section Regional Research Seminar of Pridneprovsk Scientific Center of NAS «Modern problems of control and simulation of complex systems« will be held in UDUNT, Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies, 23.02.2022, at 15-00.

Speaker: Krasnikov S.

Topic: "Mathematical models and methods for numerical studies of physical and chemical processes at the stages of steel production".



Open Day '2022


Congratulations to the staff of the Department of Foundry on the completion of the International Educational Grant for the passage of the III International Program for the Advanced Training of Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions News icon

Congratulations to the staff of the Department of Foundry on the completion of the International Educational Grant for the passage of the III International Program for the Advanced Training of Heads of Educational and Scientific Institutions, as well as pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers:

1. Head of the Department of Foundry Khrychikov Valery Evgenievich.

2. Dean of the Faculty of Electromechanics and Electrometallurgy Seliverstov Vadim Yurievich.

3. Deputy head of the research department Sergei Ivanovich Repyakh.

4. Deputy head. cafe foundry Bely Alexander Petrovich.

5. Professor of the department foundry Ivanova Lyudmila Kharitonovna.

6. Associate Professor foundry Osipenko Irina Alexandrovna.

7. Professor of the department foundry production Menyailo Elena Valerievna.

8. Associate Professor foundry Usenko Ruslan Viktorovich.


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