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Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

About transition to the remote form of educational process from 24.02.2022

In connection with the introduction of 30 days of martial law on the territory of Ukraine from 05:30 on February 24, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine called on educational institutions to switch to distance learning. The appeal of the Ministry of Education and Science stated: “The Ministry of Education and Science calls on citizens to remain calm and prudent. All educational institutions, if possible, provide distance learning. We ask you to stay at home".

In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Department of Education of the Regional State Administration from 24.02 2022, for martial law, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (UDUNT) and Nikopol Faculty, as its structural unit, switched to distance learning.
